Chapter 17

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I took slow steps as I walked through the short hallway connecting the front door to the living room. I was counting each breath I took and fore-playing the entire confrontation that was about to go down.

I walked into the living room and it was empty, I was shocked at that, I honestly thought I was going to find everyone waiting patiently for me.

So much for my plan and flawless excuse.

I was about heading upstairs to go change when I heard footsteps behind me, then I froze.

Please let it be Ian, please let it be Ian, please let it be Ian, I silently prayed.


I felt ice run through my veins.

Since when did he call me that? I thought.

The one time I was hoping he wouldn't bother about me he actually made an effort, I turned around and was face to face with my father.

"Hi dad", I said calmly even though I was trembling on the inside.

He didn't have any expression on his face, so I couldn't tell if he was mad, disappointed or livid. He stretched his arm towards the couch as if saying I should take a seat.

I walked further into the living room and sat on one of the family sofas while he sat on my Nana's rocking chair adjacent to me, speaking of Nana where was she? I thought.

I took a glance at my dad and his eyes weren't on me at the moment so I slipped my phone out discreetly and shot my wonderful brother a text saying he should help bring Nana to the living room before placing my phone back.

"This is the second time you've managed to stay out late past curfew in two different cities in less than a month, I'm I sensing a pattern here?".

I was confused at his opening question, One, I've never had a curfew before, that's because he doesn't let me leave the house without Ian or his personal driver and that comes with his permission.

The only time I can go out is after school and that's because he never finds out, I thought us coming here would ease him off with it being summer but I guess I was wrong. Then two, what did he mean by a pattern?

"I didn't know I had a curfew, we don't communicate much so how was I supposed to know about a curfew and an apparent pattern", I answered.

I saw the side of his lip twitch indicating he didn't like my response but there's nothing I could do, what's out there is out there.

I was beginning to wonder what was taking Ian so long but I couldn't blame him, if my Nana was still asleep there's no way he can wake her up. I took a quick glance at my phone screen and there wasn't any text.


"Where were you all day? I don't recall you saying at breakfast you wanted to go out considering how bubbly you were", he said making me remember my actions from this morning.

"No I didn't because I didn't think you would care talk less of letting me go", I replied him not liking how long this was taking and the direction of this conversation.

"What makes you think I don't care?", he sounded surprised at my accusation.

What was he expecting? For me to tell him that I love him and that I was sorry? That I know he cares about me and submit to him like a go lucky dog?

"I don't know, the fact that you're never home, even when you are you don't even say three words to me, the only time I peak you're interest is when what happened today comes to your knowledge, glad to know you still think about me anyways", I slumped back at that and folded my arms.

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