Chapter 53

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Present Day

It's been one hell of a ride these past six months, a lot happened and some changed me for good and some scarred me for life.

Two weeks have passed since she left me and it still doesn't feel right, I don't want to believe it, I don't want to move on.

But I had to.

I had to move on for my family, for my friends, and for my Nana, it turned out my nightmare did have a meaning, it meant I was going to loose my Nana and during that time, I was going to see Cole's real color.

I walked out of my last class for the day, I wasn't even sure why I bothered with school at this point, I didn't get why the world wouldn't give me a break.

But then that's life.

Life moves on, time waits for no one and it sure as hell wasn't going to wait for me, I walked down the over familiar school halls as people looked on giving me remorseful looks and whispering between theirselves.

Oh, did I not tell you? I'm high school famous now.

Ever since the whole run down with Chanel and her crew, they were taken to court and trialed, Ben wasn't given a slap on the wrist this time and with the damning evidence of the bugged rings Chanel gave me to our individual statements, the police assured us that their convictions were gonna stick.

They were going to be charged with Aggravated Kidnapping, Stalking, Attempted murder and Conspiracy to commit murder.

For my sake, I hope I don't see them for a long time, what I still had trouble understanding was why they went through all that trouble if they knew fully well they might get caught.


They all were, ever since then, our story was front headline news for a week after that and people of my school haven't stopped giving me 'that look'.

I was sick of it.

"Hey Lady Jan", I looked up to see Cameron who's hand was draped over Reneé.

The uphill to this was that it brought these two together, they both agreed to take a leap of faith and be together knowing life was short and anyone could be gone at any moment.

I was happy for them.

"Hey guys", I said to them.

"Enough with the glum looks okay? How you holding up?", Reneé asked me.

I smiled sadly at her as she linked our arms together, "Not good".

I didn't blame people for not understanding the relationship I had with my Nana, Camron and Reneé expected me to be over it by now but shit like that don't heal over night.

"It'll get better, I promise".

I rather not have her tell me that, just when people do, situations only get worse for me, the sad way of life.


My Nana's funeral was more beautiful than I expected, it was a true celebration of life and in her own case, half the town was in attendance.

She truly touched the hearts of a lot of people and my heart cried as to how much I would miss her.

Her last words to me were; "Isabelle, I gave you that name because it was the one your grandfather and I planned on giving our daughter if we had one but as God willed it, we only had your father and we were happy with that, we loved him so much and so did your grandfather".

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