Chapter 33

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The next couple of days in the cabin were spent by all of us playing a bunch of games and sports to wile away time, our phones couldn't get a strong reception so we were off them through the duration of our time up there, strangely we weren't attached to our devices like I thought we'd be.

We did a routine check with our parents to keep them satisfied and we assured them nothing was broken neither were anyone playing funny.

Through the rest of the weekend Chanel managed to stay out of my hair and minded her own business thankfully on my part.

I still had a feeling it had to do with the fact she didn't like I was Coles girl, Cole couldn't exactly keep it to himself either and by the next morning when I woke up everyone was giving me knowing smiles and I knew it was out there.

I didn't talk to Ian nor Cole about Chanel, it was really frustrating to process that one girl could cause such rift and strain between me and the guys I loved.

It was high school drama all over again, except I didn't exactly have anyone to talk to about it so I was bottling up a lot of emotions which made me cranky.

The day we left the cabin Cole had to head out early because his grandad needed him for something so he went ahead of us and he promised he'd see me later.

We had to wait until everyone cleared out so we could put the cabin in presentable shape, it was nearly laughable we didn't use the hot tub, considering it was already scorching most days we were here, we did not need the added heat.

Soon Ian and I headed out and the entire ride home was quiet and Ian didn't like quiet, "Are you mad at me or something?", he asked.

I turned to him completely oblivious of his disheveled state, "No why?".

"You're being awfully quiet", I shrugged my shoulders at that and stared out my window, "Is there something I did to you that you're not telling me?".

I didn't bother to look at him as I let out an exaggerated sigh, "Is there something that I should know?", I countered.

I heard his breathing labor a bit before he composed himself, "No, no there's isn't", He hesitated.

I chuckled to myself knowing he was lying down to his tooth, I turned to him and gave him a coy smile, "Then there's nothing to be mad about", I slowly stated.

He glanced at me for half a second before turning his eyes back to the road, at this point I just wanted to be on my bed and drown myself in solitude, I don't know maybe Nana can make sense of all that's happening.

My spirit lifted at the thought of my Nana but soon dropped when my moms belly soared into my mind, I definitely have more drama waiting for me back at home.

I absentmindedly rubbed at my temples, all this pondering is really stressing me out, I thought summers were meant to be fun and relaxing.

But all I've done ever since I set foot in the city of Fresno has been anything but.


We arrived to an empty house and I was beyond happy at that, I needed a moment to myself and a prying mother and inquisitive Nana wouldn't have allowed that.

Ian told me he had somewhere to be so he dropped me off and went on his way, I didn't really think much to it, mainly because I wasn't ready to start stressing on another thing.

I plopped on my bed as I thought of what to do to relax my frantic mind.

I had to arrange and prioritize my thoughts but I had no idea how to start that, I wasn't interested in taking a step out of my room talk less of walking out of the house, but the universe wasn't interested in what I wanted as I heard the doorbell go off.

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