Chapter 35

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I walked out of Hopes house towards the truck that waited for me at the end of the driveway, I was numb to the bone but I didn't let my internal conflict reflect on my face.

I honestly didn't know what to believe anymore, Cole got out and walked around to the passengers door to open it for me.

I thanked him before climbing in as I watched him crossover to his seat behind the wheel.

He smiled at me planting a kiss on my cheek before pulling off, all of a sudden my hands started trembling badly and my heart rate sped up.

How sure was I that I knew everything about this dude seated next to me, did I know everything that was necessary before our relationship began? Have I just made a huge mistake by dating him?

I heard the faint sound of a voice but what startled me was when Coles cold hand came in contact with my skin, "What?", I shrieked.

He blinked at me confused before turning his eyes back to the road, "Are you okay? You spaced out for a bit, called your name a couple of times and you didn't answer", he responded.

I cleared my throat awkwardly as I gave him a fake smile that he saw right through, "I said you look beautiful", I gave him a confused look at that, "Love what you've done with the hair", he chuckled.

I nodded in comprehension before thanking him, subconsciously bringing a hand to my hair.

Soon we pulled into my street just when I wanted to come up with the excuse of being tired, Cole asked me if I wanted to meet his grandparents.

I froze at his request not knowing if I should accept or decline and reschedule but I chose the former, "I'd love to", I told him.

He smiled widely before pulling into his own driveway then hopping out, I took a quick glance at mine and from the looks of it, no one was home so there goes that excuse.

He opened my door for me and I got out, I stared at the all too familiar house in front of me and I felt a bit of excitement at the fact I was finally going to see the inside.

Cole led the way to the front door while holding my hand, I sucked in a sharp breath and made up my mind I wasn't going to talk to him about it, at least not right now.

If I wanted to get the truth about his past and not have patches in his story I would have to talk to my Nana, she knew him more than anyone in this neighborhood other than his grandparents.

I made a mental note to discuss this with Nana tomorrow as Cole and I walked through the front door, walking in it felt like I stepped through a portal.

The five-bedroom house on the outside looked regular on the outside but on the inside it was literally decorated for royalty.

I was exaggerating a little bit but that's how beautiful it was, the front door entrance gave a direct view of the living room and it was amazing, there was a full sofa Italian couch set with a mahogany coffee table in the middle.

The wall where the Tv should be had a state of the art wooden shelf case with a large screen befitting for a cinema.

I gasped as I looked up, the high ceilings were decorated beautifully with smooth beautiful paintings inscribed into them and a magnificent chandelier descending.

There was a simple large spiral staircase that led to the upper part of the house also the kitchen along with the dining area were shielded from view, so all I had to stare at in awe was the living room.

I turned to Cole and he just had a weird look on his face, "What is it?", I asked him.

He shook his head facing forward as he directed us to one of the couches, "Nothing, you just look like you found a lifetime fortune", he said sitting us down.

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