Chap. 117: A Rat In The House

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• Lane'e reaction when Max says there's a "rat" in the house •

After making sure Katie was in the shower, Lane left the attic to pour the remaining bland chicken broth out in the kitchen sink. He sits in the one of the chairs in the library, staring out into the abyss. From outside the thick mansion walls, the crime lord can still hear Sugar and Charlie's loud howling and barking.

Max walks in, arms crossed. Behind her is a worrisome Axel. Gabriella sits on the stairwell reading The Great Gatsby.

"Boss, I need to talk to you in private." Max is the first to speak, "It's about Lebedev."

Lane glares up at her in annoyance. "You need to talk to me in private?"

Axel is the next to speak, trying to smooth things over. "Boss, the gang is worried about Miss Fairfield."

The crime lord shakes his head. "Not as worried as I am, I'm sure. Why?"

"They're worried she's contagious." Axel closes his eyes, heavily sighing. "Boss, I know we're going broke but you really can't afford for all of us to get sick. I know it's not my place, but I'm trying to think smart. I know you're going through a lot right now."

Lane doesn't respond to his second in command. Max loudly groans and steps closer to her boss. The crime lord cuts his eyes at her.

"What is this?" Lane barks at her.

"There's a rat in the house." Max speaks slowly, her right eye winking.

Lane's eyes widen, his face going stoney. His chest begins to rise and fall heavily.

"Which house?" The crime lord speaks in a lower tone.

"Under this roof." Max whispers back, "May I talk to you in private about this? Please?"

Lane starts to rise to his feet when Gabriella appears. She holds The Great Gatsby in her hands, an annoyed expression on her cartoonish face. The crime lord glares down at her.

"If you ask me-"

"I didn't ask you shit." Lane looks her up and down in disgust, "Go crawl back under the covers and spread your legs for one of the bastards here."

"Fine." Gabriella turns and begins to walk away, "I just wanted to help you before it's too late."

Lane stares at her hard, his brows furrowed and his fist tight. "What are you blabbering about now?"

Gabriella stops, slowly turning around. Mischief in her doll like eyes. She puts her hands behind her back.

"Well, I've been around prostitution all my life-even before I went to St. Abernathy's Home For Troubled Girls." Gabriella slowly speaks, "Anyways, I've seen this many times before."

"Seen what?" Axel says.

"Oh, don't you see? The bizarre mood swings? The morning sickness?" Gabriella looks between the three of them expectantly, "Come on! It's so fucking obvious!"

Max rolls her eyes. "Stop trying to stir up trouble, will ya? We've got actual big problems to deal with."

"Don't you see-"

"It's not that!" The girl with the long pixie cut growls, "Now shut up!"

"What the fuck are you two bitching about?" Lane loudly growls at the two girls, "Stop wasting my time!"

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