Chap. 87: Strike Of A Match

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• the snow falling outside •

High pitched screams echo through the dark woods. At the balcony of West Manor, Frankie, Ryder, and Jett hold onto a rope is tied to Allison's ankle. The short haired blonde continues to scream in fear as she dangles off the balcony.

Lane lights another match, holding the flame close to Gabriella's face. Luka and Phoenix holds the Latina firmly by her biceps. The raven haired girl bawls in terror. The crime lord drops the lit match with an unenthused expression.

"Stop! Stop!" Gabriella cries out.

Lane stomps on the match as it lands in the balcony floor. He shrugs at her.

"I will..." Lane says casually, "when you tell me why Sebastián really sent you."

The crime lord lights another match, holding it close to Gabriella's face. She shrieks as the flame lightly touches her skin. Lane drops it in her sparkling purple dress. Gabriella screams along with Allison.

"I told you why!" Gabriella cries out, pleading. "Please stop! Please! It burns!"

"Then tell me Sebastián's plans." The crime lord's tone is calm, smooth. Patient. "Do you really expect me to believe your pathetic little story? That you came from St. Abernathy's? If that was true, Miss Fairfield would have recognized you."

Lane lights another match, dropping it onto the Latina's lap. Hot tears stream down her face at the small burns on her thighs. The crime lord stomps on the match.

"We did come from St. Abernathy's! Honest!" The raven haired girl begs, "And Sebastián wants an inside of how you run your business! He told me not to ask too many questions!"

Another match lit. Dropped. Gabriella screams. Lane stomps on it to put it out. Another match lit. Dropped. She screams. The crime lord stomps on it to put it out. Lane lights a match, looking to Axel nearby.

"I've got ten more in here." He drops it on Gabriella's lap, stomping on it as it falls. "Hand me the next one when I get down to five. Drop the blonde!"

Frankie, Ryder, and Jett let Allison drop a few feet before grabbing the rope once again. From the round, Charlie jumps around trying to get ahold of Allison. She cries out in terror.

Gabriella suddenly catches a familiar sight, her dark eyes widening. "Her!"

Lane lights a match, looking at the Latina for a moment. He slowly follows her eyes to the door to inside the mansion. Max stands in the doorway with Sugar at her feet, Cassie peering over the shoulder of the tall dyed blonde with a pixie cut.

The crime lord locks eyes with Cassie, who gives him a terrified look. He fans the lit match out, flicking it to the ground. He walks over to the doorway to the balcony. Lane stops when he is in front of Max, his icy blue eyes glaring sharp ice cycles through her.

"Twerp," Lane says to the redhead, "do you know these girls?"

Cassie quickly shakes her head at Lane, nervously. "N-N-N-No!"

"Liar!" Gabriella cries out

Lane lights the match, holding it to Cassie's face. "Are you sure? You've never seen these girls before in your life?"

"Y-Yes..." Cassie hesitates for a moment, "I-I've seen them b-b-but I d-don't know them."

Something in Lane's eyes shift, terrifying the redhead. He slowly nods, looking her up and down. The crime lord fans the lit match out, flicking it to the ground.

"Where did you seen these girls at?" Lane asks firmly, his blue eyed squinting in curiosity.

Cassie pushes her glasses up her nose, her hands trembling. "S-S-St. A-Abernathy's Home-"

Lane takes a step back, groaning softly. "Shit!"

"I told you I was telling the truth!" Gabriella exclaims.

The crime lord looks back to Cassie, the ice in his eyes melting from the flames of his rage. He gives the redhead a suspicious look.

"Why didn't you speak up?" Lane asks her in a edgy tone, "If you knew who they were, why didn't you speak up?"

"B-Because they ah-ah-are bullies." The redhead softly explains, gulping. "Th-They m-made fun of m-my s-s-stu-stuttering."

The blue eyed man nods. " thought me torturing them would be their karma for picking on you?"

"...yes?" Cassie slowly answer.

Lane quickly grabs the redhead's French braid, dragging her behind him as he walks to the railing at the edge of the balcony. He flings Cassie over the railing. The redhead shrieks as her lightweight body is pulled to the ground by gravity. Lane quickly grabs her hands and puts them on the ledge of the balcony. Cassie shrieks as she dangles from the balcony.

Lane turns to Gabriella, who stares at him in horror. He nods to Luka and Phoenix. They release the Latina. The crime lord then turns to Frankie, Ryder, and Jett, nodding at them.

"Pull the bitch up." He commands firmly, "We're done here."

Axel nods to Cassie, who struggles to hang onto the ledge of the balcony. "What about Miss Cassie?"

The crime lord rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Yeah, pull the twerp up too."

Suddenly, something cold and wet hits Lane's nose. He furrows his brows, wiping his nose. The crime lord looks up at the sky to see snow beginning to fall. Something then catches Lane's eye in the window at the top of the house. A small face looking down at him. Katie. He waves up at her, smiling softly. Lane struts to the door.

"It's snowing out here." Lane announces out loud, "Get inside and get some rest. We may be stuck here in the house for a little while."

Hey readers! I thought of this last night and I feel the need to explain a few simple details that may not be recognized to my readers.

#1: This story takes place in three month time span (YEAH I KNOW!). Gail's murder took place three months ago in January (no specific year given). Lane rescued Katie from St. Abernathy's has only been three and a half weeks ago from this chapter. A lot has happened in a short amount time but that's how it works in the crime world so...

#2: It's snowing outside! It's the month of March in this story. Before anyone argues, it's early Spring in the story so there is still a possible chance that there could be snow. It has snowed in Missouri in early May and Washington State is farther north where it's colder so...

#3: Give me your thoughts & hopes! Do you think the whole gang will be stuck in the house? If so, for how long? A couple of days? A couple of weeks? What will happen during that time? Will the power go out? Will new relationships arise? With 16 people living under one roof with two dogs, even in a small mansion, will there be drama? Let's find out!

Be safe, my Lovlies 😷❤️🙏🏼 More is well on its way! 😊👍🏼

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