Chap. 85: But My Heart Belongs To Someone Else

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• Gabriella above •

The backseat of the white Cadillac is dead silent. Lane's heart continues to shatter in his chest. He withholds his tears. Gabriella looks over to the crime lord with a small smile.

"Mi amor, I will make you a lovely-" Gabriella starts to scoot over to him.

"I'm not marrying you." Lane firmly cuts her off, continuing to stare out the window at the passing businesses. "So cut the sweetheart act."

Axel looks at his Boss in the rear view mirror in confusion, his brow arched. Gabriella stares at the crime lord equally confused as the tattooed man.

"W-What do you mean?" She softly asks him, her brows furrowed. "Am I not-"

"You're a gem, I'm sure." Lane slowly nods, "But my heart belongs to someone else."

The Latina's mouth drops. "Then why did you take me?"

Lane finally looks to Gabriella, his eyes unreadable. "You're not his daughter, are you?"

Gabriella freezes, her dark eyes widening. She remains silent for a long time.

"I have no idea-" she starts.

"Don't lie to me." Lane sharply cuts her off, his was full of blue flames. "Who are you?"

"Anyone you want me to be." Gabriella pulls her hair back off her shoulders, batting her cat like eyes at him.

Lane stares at her hard for a long time. He sighs heavily and reaches inside his coat pocket, taking out his pistol. Gabriella's dark eyes widen, her body scooting away from the armed crime lord. Axel quickly locks the car doors to prevent The Latina from escaping. She grabs the door handle and continuously yanks.

"Let me out!" She cries out in fear.

"Not until you spill the truth, Señorita." Lane smirks wickedly, "Why does Sebastián Martín want you to marry me? What's his plan? Who are you?"

Gabriella lets out a high pitched squeal of fear, holding her hands up. Tears stream down her face, makeup is washed away. Her bruises apparent.

"Tell. Me. The. Truth." Lane growls lowly, holding the gun to her temple. "Now!"

"Okay! Alright!" The Latina cries out in fear, "Sebastián is my Boss! He wants an inside on how you run things at the top of your business!"

Lane slowly nods. "You're a spy."

"He forced me to be a spy!" Gabriella cries out in fear, "I only did it because I'm scared of him! Honest!"

"The other girl, she's a spy too?" The crime lord's eyes are filled with distrust and suspicion.

And I left her with Katie in the car behind us... Lane closes his eyes tightly. Damnit!

"Please, Señor, don't hurt us!" Gabriella puts her hands together, as if in prayer. "We were only doing as told! Sebastián will beat us again if we disobey!"

The crime lord stares at her for a long time. "Do you have any idea who I am?"

"Um...a business partner to Mr. Martín?" The Latina shrugs, teary eyed.

"No, I'm his Boss." Lane says in a cocky, smart alec tone. "I'm the most dangerous man in all of Washington State."

"Oh..." Gabriella says softly.

"You and every prostitute in this business works for me. You make me money." Lane firmly says, lowering his gun. "So the only one you have to fear is me."

"So...are you going to take me back to Sebastián?" Gabriella sniffs, wiping her tearstained cheeks.

"No." Lane heavily sighs, rolling his eyes. "Just another stray I bring into my house, like I really need anymore mouths to feed."

"At least this one doesn't shed, huh, Boss? Not too hard on the eyes either." Axel speaks up, smirking. Trying to lighten the mood of the car. "Miss Fairfield was very upset though."

"I know." Lane lowers his head, nodding. "Did she day anything?"

"Only that you're getting married and she's not the bride." The tattooed man answers in a low tone of voice, "She's quite heartbroken."

"I'll talk to her." Lane rolls his eyes, looking to Gabriella. "Tell me about Sebastián."

"What do you want to know?" The Latina asks in a flirty manner.

"Cut the girly shit with me." Lane shakes his head, "It may work with Sebastián, but it doesn't work with me."

"Okay..." Gabriella straightens up, nodding. "Sebastián is mean to the girls. If we don't make a certain amount a week, then we get a beating...but the group of girls that he had there with us, we're all new. We came from this place called St. Abernathy's Home For Troubled Girls-"

Axel's eyes widen. "Isn't that where McGinness and Barclay had held Miss Fairfield and her redhead friend?"

"Yes." Lane nods slowly, "What else?"

"Sebastián gambles with the money we make...a lot." The Latina sees the flash of darkness in Lane's eyes, "We get protection and that's not much...Sebastián meets with this Russian guy a lot too-"

"Lebedev." The crime lord nods, "Why does Sebastián meet with him?"

"I don't know...something to do with money coming in and putting what we have out." Gabriella shrugs, "I try to stay out of it because Sebastián will beat us if we ask questions."

"Well, don't ask questions and you'll be fine." Lane nods slowly, "And you don't have to-earn your living the way you did."

The Latina gives him a confused look, her thick brows furrowing and her lips pouty. "Then how do I make my living? I can't afford food or-"

"You do what I tell you to and you stay out of trouble, I'll let you live under my roof." The crime lord softly groans, "I really can't handle any more strays."

"Did you know that I was lying to you in the club?" Gabriella suddenly blurts out, as if he had been thinking about it for a while.

"Until I put a gun to your face, you were lying." The crime lord nods, looks out the windshield of the white Cadillac.

"How did you know I was lying? And if you knew I was lying the entire time, then why did you agree to take me and Allison?" Gabriella asks in suspicion, slightly squinting her eyes.

"You're asking too many questions." Lane says sharply, "The one thing I will tell you is that I don't trust you and I always find out when someone is lying to me. And it always end the same way."

"How?" The Latina says curiously.

Lane stares out the windshield darkly. "With a bullet in your skull."

Hey readers! Do you buy Gabriella's story? Did the Latina come from St. Abernathy's Home For Troubled Girls? Or did that single detail successfully dismiss any suspicion Lane could of had of her? Did Sebastián really send two spies to look into the day to day life of a crime lord? If it's true, why? Does Sebastián want to take over Lane's position as the most dangerous man in all of Washington State? Is he alone? If it's NOT true, then should we still trust Gabriella? We haven't met the other yet but we will soon! Give me your thoughts and speculations to what is going on. Be safe, my Lovlies ❤️🙏🏼 more is on its way 👍🏼😉

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