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Mrs. Taeyeon walks to the stage, everyone pay their attention to her, then she greets them, "Good evening everyone, I'm Kim Taeyeon, the chairman of the TKHAR". Everyone claps their hands, Mrs. Taeyeon continues, "I am very honored that you all came to join the important proclamation's day of TKHAR". And then Mrs. Taeyeon smiles at everyone, "So, in order not to waste time, I would like to announce three announcements". She adds, "As well as a special announcement". Everyone claps their hands again before Mrs. Taeyeon starts saying again with the firsr announcement.

Mrs. Taeyeon waits for everyone to stop clapping, next she starts the first announcement, "As you all probably know, I'm getting older now, and my vision is deteriorating, as well as today I also have a physical illness, so I can no longer work anymore". Mrs. Taeyeon pauses a while, she goes on, "Besides, I want to spend the rest of my life finding peace for this last life by going to do things I have not yet done, such as going to see nature and other work, because of the past I have spent most of my life in this business since the death of my husband". The first announcement is announced, "I, Kim Taeyeon, would like to publicly announce that I will retire from now on".

Afterward, Mrs. Taeyeon turns to look at her son who is sitting in front of the stage with his wife and they are staring at Mrs. Taeyeon with warmth smile. The second announcement is started announcing, "So, the next chairman of TKHAR is Kim Junmyeon who is my only one son". Suho stands bowing at everyone while they are clapping for him. And then Suho walks to the stage and he stands next to his mother, he talks a little before the third announcement is came, "Good evening, I'm Kim Junmyeon is the son of Mrs. Kim Taeyeon, and I'm the next chairman of TKHAR, I promise will take good care of TKHAR and make it grows up". Everyone claps for Suho, Suho still on the stages, he step aside to let his mother continue the last but no least announcement.

This time everyone starts to paying attention more than before because what they have been waiting for, finally it is going to reveal now, the journalists have prepared their cameras to take pictures of the most important person, can be called the main character of the proclamation's day to announce. Mrs. Taeyeon chuckles before she starts saying, "You all may look forward to seeing who is the only one heir of TKHAR for a long time, especially all workers in the TKHAR". Mrs. Taeyeon continues, "I heard that there was a rumors about our heir also work in the TKHAR, yes it's true". Everybody, especially the workers include Namjoon gasps surprisingly.

The announcement is going to announce finally, "Not to waste the time, I would like to announce the only one heir of TKHAR and the new CEO of TKHAR as well as the future Chairman of TKHAR". Mrs. Taeyeon stangles. Jennie and her father who are sitting in front of the stage, Jennie sits next to Mrs. Irene and Mr. Hyunsuk sits next to Jennie, although the daughter and father have no idea who is the heir, but they still curious about this too, meanwhile Mrs. Irene grins proudly. Mrs. Irene also glances at Jennie and her father about their reaction too.

Mrs. Taeyeon announces, "Please welcome my only grandson and the heir of TKHAR, the only one KIM TAEHYUNG". Everyone in the hall is amazed, while Jennie and her father look at each amazedly. Namjoon on other hand, he is amazed too, he didn't think that someone who he always works with and used to call him boss, now this person is the heir of TKHAR. "Please claps your hands for my grandson, Taehyung" Mrs. Taeyeon tells everyone.

After that, Taehyung walks out from the backstage, he is black suits, black silky hair. The sound of clapping is clapped loudly echoes through the hall as well as camera flash flashes non stop. Taehyung steps to stand between his grandmother and father, "Good evening everyone". Taehyung looks at everyone, then his eyes landed on Jennie. Next he moves his eyes from Jennie, he said, "I think everybody would be surprised, but I want to introduce myself as Kim Taehyung, the heir of TKHAR". Taehyung adds, "No matter who am I, I still the Kim Taehyung who everyone used to know, and I hope you all will treat me as the same before". Jungkook who has seen for the whole case, he felt as everyone felt, he didn't expect his best friend to be an heir, why he never notices this, so after the proclamation ended, his best friend is better to explain him everything.

The announcement hasn't finished yet, because there is the most important announcement left, but this time the announcement isn't announced by Mrs. Taeyeon. It is announced by Taehyung himself. Taehyung knocks the microphone to get everyone's attention, "Finally yet importantly, I have also an other important announcement for today".

Taehyung moves his eyes to stares at the girl who also stares at him nervously. Mrs. Irene glares at Jennie, Mr. Hyunsuk taps his daughter's hand to comfort her from nervousness. Taehyung smirks a bit, "Today is my birthday, as well as my engagement's day too". Everyone starts squealing through the hall. Taehyung continues, "And the one who is going to be my fiancé, also she's going to be my wife in the next one week is". Taehyung strangles, he walks off the stage, walk towards the table which is Jennie sitting.

Again squealing is heard more louder, and the attention is turned to Jennie as well. Taehyung said the name who is going to be his fiancé and wife soon, "JENNIE KIM". Namjoon and Jungkook stuns, Lisa who is watching the live at home, she stuns too. Taehyung holds Jennie's hand, Jennie gets up from the chair hesitantly. Like a shot, Taehyung lets go of Jennie's hand, and then he wraps Jennie's waist by one's arm to make her close to him. "So, I want to confirm the rumors, the random guy who used to see at the café with my fiancé is me, we went on date there, it's our favorite place, so stop wondering who is he anymore" Taehyung clarifies. The crowded still squealing glancing at Jennie. Jennie is just silent there, she said nothing, because she has promised with her father, so she can't ruin anything, just to follow this.

On other hand, there are two people who also watching the live at home too. A person standing glaring at Jennie's face which appears on the TV screen, she clenches her fist, and she murmurs in hatred, "Jennie Kim, you stole everything from me".



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