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In Kuma café, "Unnie" Lisa calls Jennie who is busy looking at the photos in her phone. Jennie hums for replying. "Uhmm, a few day ago, Jungkook told me that she saw a familiar girl who look like you was walking at the public garden" Lisa starts. Jennie shakes her head, "No, I never go out publicly". "You should know about me" Jennie adds. Lisa pursues her lip, "Perhaps Jungkook was wrong". "Anyway, what are you looking at unnie" Lisa questions Jennie, then she grabs the phone form Jennie's hand quickly. Lisa takes a look the phone, "Unnie, you are so beautiful in this wedding dress".

Nonetheless, Lisa sigh unpleasant when she saw a person who stand next to Jennie in groom suit, "But you wore it with a person who you didn't even like a bit". Jennie tries to smile even deep down inside she feels pressure and scared, "Nah Lisa, it's my duty as a daughter". Lisa rolls her eyes because she didn't support Jennie's decision since from the beginning, even though she can't her unnie and do nothing, but she can be a friend who can help when Jennie is upset, "Duty as a daughter, and you have to sacrifice your own happiness the rest of your life".

Jennie holds Lisa's hand which is on the table, "Lisa, I think it may not be the rest of my life because this is just an arrangement marriage, it is happened for the sake of restaurant". Lisa turns to stares at Jennie. Jennie smile reassuringly, she continues, "Besides, I and him, we didn't even like each other and hate each other til die, this marriage is just a marriage". Lisa smirks at Jennie's statements, she crosses her arm, "Are you sure unnie, you both stay in one house, see each other every time, and you both didn't even have interaction". Jennie became silent, she thinks about Lisa's word for a while, then she responds, "I don't think we can see each other every time, he might hang out everyday or don't come home, or we sleep in separate rooms". Jennie adds, "How could we interaction". Lisa shrugs, "I don't know". Jennie chuckles.

A while ago, Jennie's phone rang. This is not phone call from other than her soon to be husband, Kim Taehyung. Jennie picks up the phone, "Hel-hello". Taehyung responds, "Come to my office, I have important business to talk with you". Taehyung didn't let Jennie replies, he hung the phone fast. Lisa furrows, "Who calls you unnie". Jennie just stares at Lisa.


Jungkook and Jongin comes to TKHAR to about their upcoming project of their business. They have discussed with each since 10 in the morning, and now it has just finished discussion. They both stands up, Jongin said, "I hope highly this project will be going well". Jongin and Taehyung shakes hand, Taehyung said, "Yes, Mr. Jongin, I hope so". Jungkook just stands there, put his hand in pocket with annoying expression. They release handshake, Jongin bid Taehyung, " Then, I have to go now Mr. Kim". Jongin walks towards the door, Jungkook tells to Jongin before Jongin steps towards the door, "Tell appa, today I don't come back to work". Jongin turns around and nod his head a bit, then he continues walking to the door and leaves.

Taehyung glances at Jungkook, he sighs and he walks to his desk, Jungkook follows him from behind, "Hyung, I saw a girl who look like your ex girlfriend at the public garden a few days ago". Taehyung sits down, "What do you mean ex girlfriend, she is going to be my wife soon". "Was with her sugar daddy right" Taehyung asks an unpleasant question. Jungkook sits down, he rolls his eyes, "I just saw she was familiar, and she was alone". Taehyung frowns, "Where did you see her". "Public garden" Jungkook responds. "What was you doing there" Taehyung questions. "I just drove past there" Jungkook excuses.


Back to Jennie, after she received Taehyung's calling, she hurriedly come TKHAR, it is just she doesn't want to cause any trouble because Taehyung is a troublemaker for her. Besides, Jennie is under controlling of THKAR. Besides, no company dares ask Jennie to model for them, even HitG, without the permission of someone is Taehyung. So, Jennie drove Lisa to Lisa's apartment, after then she left to TKHAR.

Jennie arrived TKHAR, she parked her car and rush to the elevator. While Jennie is rushing to the elevator, she didn't see something in front of her. And then, Jennie bumps into a person who is walking to the entrance unintentionally. Jennie bows up and down to apologize the person who she has bumped into, "Sorry sorry sorry, please forgive me because I was be so rush, I didn't see you". The person who Jennie bumped into replies, "It's okay, and I should apologize too". He adds, "Because I was busy with my phone that I didn't you, sorry". Jennie saw a phone fell down on the floor, and its screen was broken, and then she looks up the owner.

The owner of this phone is a person who Jennie bumped into, he already looks at her, and he smiles.   Jennie apologizes again, "But your phone already broke, Mr". The owner of the phone didn't reply Jennie, he keeps staring at the and smile. Jennie frowns, she waves her hand in front of his face, "Mr". The owner of the phone seems coming back his senses, "Ye-yes". Jennie said, "I'm so sorry for making your phone broke, how could I pay you back". The owner of the phone shakes his hand with smile, "No need to pay back". Jennie refuses, "But-". Jennie is cut off by the owner of the phone, "It's not big deal". Jennie responds, "But it makes me feel uneasy".

Jennie presses her lip and think for a while, afterward she said, "Umm, do you have business card, we can exchange each other because next time I want to treat you food as paying back for making your phone broke". The owner of phone chuckles. Jennie takes out her business card from her purse, and she hands him, "This is mine, and by the way I'm Jennie Kim". The owner of the phone grins, then he takes out his business card too, he hands Jennie his, "And this is mine too, I'm Jeon Jongin, but you can call me Kai". Jennie said politely with a smile, "You seem older than me, so I will can you Kai oppa, is that okay". Jongin nods happily, "Yes, Jen-Jennie". They grins at each other.

After that, Jennie bid Jongin goodbye, and they part ways to their respective destinations.



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