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"JUNGKOOK, JUNGKOOK" Mr. Jeon calls his son repeatedly, tap his son's shoulder. Jungkook did not hear Mr. Jeon calling him as he is likely in another universe, he is probably daydreaming. Mr. Jeon keeps calling Jungkook until Jungkook seems come back to his sense, "Ye-yes, appa". Mr. Jeon shakes head, exhale sharply, "I called you almost half hours, and your feeling perhaps up in the sky that why you didn't hear me huh". Jungkook rubs back of his neck, "Sorry appa". Mr. Jeon grunts, and he continues, "Anyway, did you see Jongin, he didn't come home last night and today his assistant told me that he didn't come to work though". Jungkook shrugs his shoulder lightly, "I don't know too". Mr. Jeon puts hand on hip, furrow, "Where is he".

Next, when Mr. Jeon was about to leave Jungkook's office, he turns around, "I forgot to ask you, how about you, where were you last night". Jungkook is a little nervous, "I-I stayed at my friend's house for a night due to raining hard". Mr. Jeon questions, "Taehyung's house". Jungkook nods rapidly, "Yes, appa". Mr. Jeon stares at the ceiling trying to remember something, "I thought you were at your condo". He adds, "Last night, Taehyung didn't come home as well". Mr. Jeon moves his eyes to Jungkook straightly, "Are you lying to me, be honest with me, I just worried about you". Mr. Jeon said a phrase before he leaves the office,"Look before you leap, next time it would affect to you". Then, Mr. Jeon leaves the office. Jungkook leans on the chair and think about his father's word, he understands what his father refers to, "She's my one and only".


Time skip

Jungkook goes to his father's room, he opens the door and saw his father is putting on tuxedo, he steps in, "Appa, I'll go first". Mr. Jeon responds while he looks at himself in the mirror, "Why not go together". Jungkook replies, "I have to pick up my girlfriend". Mr. Jeon turns back wrinkly, "Girlfriend". Jungkook confirms bravely, "Yes appa, my girlfriend". Mr. Jeon raises his brow at Jungkook as he knew about his son very well, "Your another new chick". Jungkook blinks his eyes, "She's different, she's precious and special, don't compare her to them". Mr. Jeon mouth o as he understood. Jungkook bows goodbye at his father, "I gotta go now appa, see you at the church". Jungkook walks out the room, but Mr. Jeon stops him, "Did you know about Jongin, he's nowhere to be seen for a few days". Jungkook turns back to Mr. Jeon, "I don't know appa". Jungkook bids goodbye to his father again, "Goodbye appa". And then, he leaves the mansion.

After, Jungkook left the mansion 20 minutes ago, Jongin drives in the mansion. He gets out and walk into the mansion. He walks straightly to upstair, at the same time Mr. Jeon is also going downstair too, "Jongin, where did you go for two days, you didn't come back home nor go to work". Jongin gazes down, "Seulgi probably didn't tell you that I took day off". Mr. Jeon chuckles in disbelief, "Yes she didn't, but I also asked her did you take day off, she said no, then what's the reason". Mr. Jeon looks at Jongin from head to toes, "Why are you look like this, like robber". Mr. Jeon smells, "Are you drunk". He carries on, "I wanted to talk to you what was happened since that day, but you was missing from house".

Jongin responds with bow in apologizing, "Sorry appa". Mr. Jeon looks at his watch, "We'll talk about this later, now go to dress up, we may be late joining the kim's hire wedding". "Hurry up, I'll wait for you in the living room" Mr. Jeon walks out the stairs. Mr. Jeon stops when he heard Jongin said, "I don't go, no need to wait for me appa". Mr. Jeon steps backward a bit, "Why". "Goodbye appa" instead of climbing upstairs, Jongin quickly walks away back to his car and leave to somewhere. Mr. Jeon dumbfounds, "WHERE ARE YOU GOING, JONGIN". Mr. Jeon calls loudly, "JEON JONGIN". Mr. sighs in frustration, mutter, "What's his matter".


"You look stunning in this dress, unnie" Chaeyoung compliments as she puts both her hands on Jennie's shoulder and bend down a bit to look at Jennie's presence in the mirror. Jennie inhales, and then exhale with small smile. Chaeyoung asks Jennie, "Are you nervous". Jennie replies, "A little". Chaeyoung chuckles at Jennie, "It's okay to be nervous, every women is always nervous on their wedding day". Chaeyoung states further, "This is the desire of a woman to wear a wedding dress once in her life and vow in the church with the person she loves". Chaeyoung smiles warmly, "And you unnie, it happened today in your life".

Jennie stares at herself, her eyes begins welling up with tear. Chaeyoung knits her brow when she saw Jennie's expression, "Are you crying unnie". Jennie grins reassuringly, "That's okay, I just feel uncomfortable with these false eyelashes a bit". Chaeyoung questions worriedly, "Do you need-". Jennie grabs Chaeyoung's wrist gently, "I'm totally fine". Next, Chaeyoung's staff who come to help Chaeyoung for the wedding comes in, "Ms. Chae, it's time for the bride to ride a car to the church". The staff add, "The car already parked outside". Chaeyoung responds quickly, "Okay, we'll be there a minute".

Chaeyoung helps Jennie walking downstairs to the car. They reached the car and Jennie sit at the backseat. Chaeyoung gets in the passenger's seat with a chauffeur who is the driver of the Kim's. Chaeyoung said to the chauffeur, "Let go". After that, the sliver roll royces ghost starts moving from slowly to speed limit toward the church.

Actually, Jennie was at the Kim's mansion to get dress and get ready for the wedding. Besides, today is also the day which Jennie has to move in to the Kim's mansion though, her stuffs already prepared in the room which Mrs. Taeyeon has prepared for her as well as Taehyung, they have to stay in one room as married couple. But the day before, Taehyung had disagreed that he and Jennie have to be in one room together, no matter how strongly disagree and stubborn he was, he finally had to respect his grandmother's decision. Although, Mrs. Taeyeon loves her grandson, but she didn't let him to be spoilt kid even he is the only son in the Kim's family. Moreover, Chaeyoung and Jennie seems get along with each other too.



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