Twenty-three: Let Me Play With Your Hair

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Techno has long hair in this one :)

Techno sat on the floor infront of the couch as he watched TV.

He preferred the floor more than the couch for some reason. The only time he went on the couch was to cuddle with his boyfriend.

Techno was about to fall asleep before there was a tiny creak by the doorway.

He looked to his left, eyes fully open now. There Dream stood, semi-hiding himself behind the wall.

"Hi, baby. Wanna watch some TV?" Techno aaked softly, trying now to make the boy frightened by loud noises.

Dream was shy ever since Techno met him. He didn't like fast or harsh movements. Nor did he like loud noises.

Techno was a rough person, so he had to be extra careful. One thing he learned, though, was Dream liked to play with his hair.

So, he grew it out a good thirty-five inches and kept it a light pink just for Dream.

The smaller boy nodded before quietly running over and jumping on the couch. He was like a cat. No noises or harsh movements.

Dream sat behind Techno, looking at the TV. Techno knew Dream was trying very hard to keep his hands to himself. He knew the boy wanted to play with his hair.

"Techno?" The boy mumbled.

"Yes?" He asked, knowing what Dream was going ask.

"C-Can I play with your hair? Please?" Dream peeked over to look at Techno's face.

"Of course, you can." Techno smiled up at the boy who slightly blushed.

Dream was like a child. He found Techno's hair to be the best thing in the world. It was soft and it was a pretty color!

He liked pink. It suited Techno.

Dream shyly rested his chin on top of his boyfriend's head.

They both looked at each other.

"Can I braid it?" Techno chuckled.

"You can do anythin' you want."

"You always say that."

"I know."

"Like, what if i chop it off?"

"Then I wouldn't be mad." Techno looked up and kissed Dream, making sure to be slow so he won't startle the boy.

So, with an answer Dream expected he'd get, he took all of Techno's hair and parted it into three.

"Ow." Techno said when he felt a tug on his hair.

"Sorry." Dream said before kissing Techno's head.

The latter smiled before putting his attention back on the lit up square infront of him.

Techno and Dream both felt fuzziness in their stomach. Dream mostly. He had the biggest soft spot for Techno. He had no idea he was going to be so lucky with the softest person on earth.

Well, almost the softest person. He knew Techno was rough and loud. But, doesn't that make it even better?

Techno made sure he was quiet and gentle enough just for Dream himself.

Dream adored that.

The smaller was halfway done with the loose braid before he leaned over and sniffed Techno's pink locks.

"What are you doing?"

"Your hair smells good." Techno laughed which made Dream flinch a bit. "What's so funny?"

"Nothin'. Keep playing with my hair." He smiled with adoration.

"Okay..." Dream left the bottom of the braid alone before running into his and Techno's room.

Techno had wondered where he had gone before Dream came back in with a plastic, gold crown.

The boy sat back down before he placed the crown on top of Techno's head. Dream got up from the couch and looked at Techno from the front.

"You look handsome." Dream said shyly, hiding half his face under the coffee table while he admired Techno from two feet away.

"Do I?" Dream nodded before going over and sitting on his lap.

The boy undid the braid while he rested his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, the crown falling off.

Pink hair tickled Dream's nose after it was set free.

Techno's hair was like a person. It liked Dream in a way. Dream was always getting tiny tickles from the pink locks. His hair never bothered Dream in any way. Like, if they were sleeping, it never made him itch.

"I love you, Techno." Dream said before he closed his eyes. The other male had his heart fluttering. He got all warm and fuzzy.

"I love you more."

It was short but---eh, it was cute. (In my opinion)

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