Two: Pink Hair

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"He's in there." The scientist pointed towards the glass room.

"Why don't you want to go in there, again?" The man with light pink hair asked.

"Because...he's not normal. They aren't supposed to act like that!" He whisper-yelled.

"Act like what?"

"Like...go check for yourself! He scares the sh#t outta me, dude!" The scientist then walked away quickly.

The man in pink hair then went over to the glass room, ignoring all the clawing and banging from the other rooms.

He stepped infront and saw a boy laid on the bed. This wasn't normal, no. Many of these creatures are visious and angry.

"Raaaa~!" One screamed in a squeaky voice as another scientist opened the door behind him.

The sight of this creature so peaceful makes him very unsettle.

This one could be waiting for his prey. Him. He's dying tonight. Maybe he should call his parents before entering the room.

He shook it all off before entering the first room to grab the scratch-proof suit.

He opened the door. The boy who laid on the bed quickly sat up, eyes full of fear.

The scientist was taken aback. He didn't expect this behavior from such a creature.

"Don't hurt me!" The little one crawled into the corner and cried.

"Hey, hey, I'm not gonna hurt you. It's okay." He walked over to the boy who only sobbed more, trying to back up more into the corner.

"No! No! Please!" The pink-haired male had his heart broke. Is he acting? Even if the boy was, it was still a heartbreaking scene.

"Look, I'm not gonna hurt you." He knelt down a few feet away from the crying boy.

"You are! You ar---" the boy choked, "---re! You a-a-all-l do-o." Okay, yeah, this boy ain't playin'.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. Look, I'm new." I pointed to myself.

"I don't know who's new and who's not. Your scary masks are covering you all up." They boy cried.

The male's face was covered by the suit, along with a tinted, glass shield.

"Here, I'll take it off. I'll take it off. Would that make you feel better?"

The boy suddenly stopped crying, and nodded. The boy thought these men were the creepiest because of these suits. On the outside, you can see inside the rooms, on the inside, the glass looks like a mirror.

The creatures knew of their intelligence. Their tricks. Their lies. They knew humans were careless and greedy. They wanted to use the creatures. They knew.

The man then unzipped some of the suit from the chest and stretched the head part up and behind his head.

The boy was indeed mezmoritzed by the pink hair.

With tear-stainded cheeks, he awed at the scientist's hair color. It looked fluffy and soft. He wanted to touch it.

"Can I touch it?"

" hair? You like my hair?" The scientist smiled. The boy smiled and nodded.

With hesitation, he put his head down for the creature to what he though was scratch the living hell outta him, but instead he felt soft fingers glide through his light, pink locks.

"I want your hair." The boy pulled away.

"I wish you had my hair, too. Maybe I can do something about it. I might be able to ask my boss if we can dye your hair. That'd be cool, yeah?"


The man smiled. "What's your name? Let's start there."

"I wanted it to be Dream, but it's Clay."

"Well, Dream, thank you for being a lovely boy today. Maybe tomorrow I can bring in some dye. I'm gonna go, okay?"


And that's exactly what the scientist did. About a week later, he brought in hair dye to make the boy's hair pink.

His boss only allowed it to happen because the boy's time was coming to an end.

He had to be put down, yes. He said make the boy happy before his time comes to an end. He's worthless they say. He's not like the others they say. He's sick they say. He's a waste of space they say. He needs to die they say.

"Techno!" The boy ran up to the man.

"Look what I got." He brought his hand up and showed the hair dye.

"Yay! I can't wait! Oh my gosh!" He was jumping and doing little dances. Techno went over to the button on the wall and pressed it, blurring to window from the outside.

"Yeah?" He asked, looking over at the boy.

"Yeah. I still love it, though. It's pretty."

"You're pretty, too!" Techno said, smiling at the smaller, who just blushed in return.

"Are all humans like you? Or are you just different?"

"Lots of humans are like me. The ones that hurt's just their job. It was gonna be my job, but you weren't so harsh." He said.

"You were gonna hurt me, too?"

"No," Techno chuckled softly. "You are calm and easy. The others are just too harsh so that's why they have to get hurt sometimes. The ones that hurt you have no right to when you aren't aggressive."

"Oh..." Dream said, looking back at the mirror/window.

"I'm gonna go have a chat with my boss. I'll be back okay?" He went over to the button and turned the blur off.


"Sir, please!?"

"They can't leave! What will the government do if the boy does something crazy or gets out of hand!?"

"That won't happen. He's a good creature, I swear!"

"And I swear on this lab that it's not being shut down by the government! He's being killed tomorrow morning and that's final! Out!"

Techno left the room before his eyes start sweating.

"Sh#t, sh#t, sh#t---" he went to the restroom and calmed himself down. His baby was being killed tomorrow morning. And there was nothing he could do about it. He's only known him for about a week! He just got the boy to be happy, and now he has to leave.

"Ah---" His mouth was covered by a hand, shutting him up from screaming.

The boy was scared. What was going on?

"Hey, hey, it's me. It's okay."


"Shh. We have to be quiet. We're leaving this place together. I need you to be very quiet, okay?"

It was three in the morning. The male needed to get the boy outta this place. He already knows how deaths go here. He was not gonna see his baby boy get tortured that way.

"Where are we going?" Dream got up from his uncomfy bed and walked with Techno through the halls in only socks.

"We're going home."

Hope u liked it :D! Tell me if you want more of these kind of things. Or maybe a part two?

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