Fourty-one: Take a Kiss, Pt.2

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Tomorrow was the last day. The last day Dream got to kiss Wilbur....or....for Wilbur to kiss him.

He was nervous! Dream didn't want to be a ghost forever!

"So uhhh....whatcha workin' on?" He asked his crush who sat next to him.

"Homework." Wil gave no care to Dream at that moment.

He had to do something in order to make Wil actually want to kiss him. Flirting? Perhaps? Or maybe make a few moves?

Dream did NOT want to make any moves...nor did he want to flirt. He did like Wil. A lot. But that doesn't mean he wants to throw himself on the other and force him to like Dream.

But that was technically the only way to get back to human form.

Dream took in a silent breath before scooting a bit closer, making his oversized, fluffy, pink sock touch Wilbur's leg.

His eyes directed to the touch with innocence before he wrapped both legs around Wilbur's right, forgetting about the plan.

The one thing that brought his attention back was the soft and sweet sound of Wilbur's chuckle.

"Like that?" Dream got all red before looking up at Wil's eyes. "You can say you do, I don't mind a little bit of affection." He said before going back to his schoolwork.

Dream. F#cking. MELTED!

To him, Wil was hot, but he was cute. But...he was hot. He was cute, yeah. But he was hot and Dream, the shy kid, couldn't deny.

Dream continued to stare at Wilbur while licking his lips in innocence.

The other felt a pair of eyes on him and slowly turned around to meet Dream's derpy looking face. He had his tongue poking out of his pink lips, his eyes were wide and cute, almost doe like, and his hair was fluffy as ever.

Wil stared for a second before averting his eyes down to Dream's lips.

He gave a smile and turned back around.

The two were just in the bathroom together. Wil was taking a shower while talking to Dream who sat on the counter.

"I remember that, yeah."

"Mhm." Dream agreed.

"Hey, Dream?" Wil asked before turning the shower off.


"Can you please grab me a towel, I forgot one."

"Yeah." Dream walked out and grabbed a towel, being careful no one was around. Imagine seeing a floating towel.

"Thanks," Wilbur said before taking the towel from Dream.

"You're welcome." The boy said, backing away from the shower and into Wil's room.

After about two minutes, Wilbur came in and started getting dressed.

"Hey, Dream, aren't you gonna get ready for bed?" It was currently eight at night. Four more hours and Dream was permanently a ghost.

"Uh---yeah." He grabbed some clothing and got dressed before slipping into bed with Wil.

The was a comfortable silence as they just stared at each other. Dream couldn't believe it, he was never going to be human again.

"Hey, Dream?"


"Can I ask something?"

"Huh? What do you---"

Dream felt a pair of lips on him making him startled and a bit in shock.

After a few seconds of realizing what was happening, he calmed down and closed his eyes, enjoying the moment with Wil.

After about three minutes, Wilbur felt warmth! A thicker feeling to touch.

He can actually feel Dream completely! His hands...he could barely feel Dream and now he could also feel his warmth.

"Dream?" He pulled back and took a look at the one across from him. He was less invisible. When he first saw him, he looked normal, but overtime, he got more see through and colder. Physically colder.

Then the mom barged in.

"Who the f#ck is this!?"

I'm tired.

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