Ten: Not the Stream!

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Requested by crystalshadeyt  you cant see it but its there.

First time writing Dream with Wilbur. Kinda excited.

Whatever tf wilbur×dream is. I dont f#cking know.

"No, you f#cking idiot." Wilbur smiled.

"Then what was it?"

"I'm not telling you."

"Oh, look, it's a baby piggy!" They heard Niki say.

"Kill it." Tommy said without hesitation.

"Burn it." Tubbo went along.

"Eat it." Wilbur blankly let out.

"You can't. It's a baby." Niki mumbled.

"Then just kill it and not eat it."

"I don't want to." Niki then gasped. "I'll keep it. And I'll feed it, too."

"It's so cold in here. I need to put on some pants." They heard Tommy from the other side of the call.

"Ugh, Tommy, I'm streaming. All the girls are gonna leave my stream and go to yours."

"You're streaming without pants?" Tubbo asked.

"I am not. I'm not even streaming."

"Still losing viewers." Wilbur said. "Oh.." they heard him whisper and I distant voice. "What?" More mumbling. "Maybe an hour?" They then heard some rustling. "Dream, I'm streaming!"

Wilbur quickly turned the face cam off.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Dream started shaking his hands.

"Don't say sorry to me! It's your face!"

"Did---holy sh#t! Dream showed his face!"

A donation-'omg! WAs tHaT drEaM?!?!?!?!??!'

"DID---OH---I WANT TO SEE HIS FACE!" Tubbo yelled.

So, not to long after, they worked out the situation and Dream was on Wilbur's lap.

"Can I turn the face cam on? That cool?" He asked Dream.

"Yeah, I guess." Dream had his head on Wilbur's shoulder as his arms rested against his chest.

As soon as Wiblur turned the cam on, fans went CRAZY.

'Hes so cute!'


'I just want to hug him'

'So lucky!'

'R u guys dating?'

'I prefer Niki'

Even if there was a little hate, Wilbur was just happy he got to stream with Dream on his lap.

Having his head and neck up against Dream's while practically hugging him while playing.

"You're warm." Wiblur whispered.

"Go to F#CKING HELL!" They heard Tommy scream at something.

"You ruined our moment." Wilbur told Tommy.

"I don't give a sh#t."

"F#ck you." They heard Dream mumble into the mic.

"OHHH!" Tubbo laughed.

The chat was going insane!

"Dream, no-no profanities, please." Wilbur held his hand up.

"He's a grown. #ss. Man. He'll do whatever the f#ck he wants to." They heard Tommy.

"So much cursing." Niki said.

Dream would've been hyped right now, but considering he was so tired, he just stayed quiet and tried to fall asleep on Wilbur.

"Hey, I think I'm gonna go to bed now." Wilbur said.

"Okay. Goodbye."


"Goodnight, boys. Get good sleep!" Niki said.

"Goodnight!" And with that, Wilbur ended the stream and carried Dream to his bed.

"Ow." Dream mumbled as Wilbur tried laying him down.

"Shh, shh..." Wilbur said. "I've got you."

"That's the problem. You stabbed me with your finger."

"Sorry! Sorry." He kissed Dream on his forehead. "Go to sleep now. I'm gonna use the restroom, and I'll be right back." He smiled.

Short. I'm sorry. There wasn't much I could write.

I hope this is what you meant when u requested this.

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