Thirteen: Preggo my Eggo

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Male pregnancy!⚠️ bad. This is bad. Dream sat there shaking. What the h#ll was he going to tell Techno and George!?

He was visibly shaking right now. He was sat on the toilet with a pregnancy test. Two of them, actually.

Was George and Techno going to leave him? He never told them about him being able to get pregnant! Of course they knew about him being ambiguous. But being able to get pregnant....that was a whole different story based on a lie.

Did he want them to leave him? No, of course not. So, as any crazy person would do, he kept the truth away from them. Yes, he was going to hide his pregnancy.

So, without tear-stained cheeks, he left the bathroom with the tests and put them both in a tiny box which he hid under the bed.

"They find you....I'm dead, so don't let them find you." He told the box and shoved it to the back of the bed.

He then got out from under the bed and headed towards the kitchen to get some food; his boyfriends were at the couch in the living room, watching TV.

"What are you guys watching?" I asked them after I grabbed a popsicle.

"We are watching...The Mick." George said. Oh. That was actually a really funny show, so I went over and sat on the farthest end of the couch.

So, it's been two months. It's been so hard to keep this from them. Dream has no idea how much longer he can go. His stomach is getting bigger!

It's not too much bigger, but it's big enough to tell he's 'gaining weight'. Well, he is, but not in that way.

"Hey, baby." Techno kisses his head as he walked in through the door.

"Hi." Dream smiled. He was carrying groceries for dinner.

"Oooh! What's for dinner?" George asked.

"Mashed potatoes and more mashed potatoes." Techno smiled.

"Oh, come on! Really? What're you really cooking?" George asked again.

"I'm cooking food."

"What kind of food?"

"The food you can eat."

"What's the food I can eat?"

"He's probably making his pizza again." Dream said.

"Correct!" Techno smiled.

"Ugh...again? I want f#cking McDonald's!" George said.

"You have your free will to drive yourself and get a happy meal, toddler."

The word 'toddler' just made Dream think about his little baby. This made him get a bit nervous. He got lightheaded and pale.

"Hey, you okay?" George asked him.

"I'll be back." And so Dream ran over to the toilet and puked. This whole puking thing has been going on for weeks!

He did his best to stay silent. Then there was knocking.

"Dream, you alright in there?" He heard Techno.

"Yeah! I'm just using the bathroom! I'll be out in a minute!" He was about to let some more out but held it in so Techno couldn't hear.

"Alright. Just..making sure." He heard the footsteps fade before he let the rest out of him.

"F#cking sh#t..." he groaned.

"Here you go." Techno slid a place to Dream and George before sitting down himself.

"Thank you." Dream said, taking a bite of pizza.

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