Thirdy-two: Minx Helps With Loneliness, Pt.2

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Requested by xOslayerOx

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. Depends if you like it, though."

Minuted later, the two arrived at a restaurant.

Remember, Techno wanted to take Dream on another date for his last chance of making the boy his.

This was the date he had planned out.

Techno opened Dream's door for him as the boy was trying to find his phone he lost mid-drive.

"What are you looking for?"

"I dropped my phone somewhere and I can't find it."

"Did you check..." Techno leaned over Dream who turned scarlet and reached between the seat and arm rest. "Here?" He gave the boy his phone.

"Thank you." Techno nodded before offering his hand so the blondie wouldn't trip when getting out.

They walked towards the two doors before the pink-haired man held one of them open....for the old lady then slammed it on Dream.

(Im kidding XD)

"How many?"

"Four. We have two more meeting with us." Dream looked up at him, confused.

"Alrighty, come with me." The man said.

They followed the waiter towards the back, away from lots of people which was surprising.

Before he left, he whispered in Techno's ear.

"Good luck man." With a pat on the back, the waiter was gone.

They both sat down across from each other. Dream was just looking around, admiring the furniture.

"So, have you been here before?" Techno asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Hm? No. It's pretty, though."

"Not as pretty as you." Dream looked back over at Techno with a flustered face.


"No, the ghost next to you." Dream let out a laugh, enjoying Techno's presence.

"Thank you." Dream stared at the other with a smile, admiring his soft, handsome face.

"Oh my gosh!" The two looked over to see Minx and George walking to them. "I'm so sorry for taking so long. George had me wear heels because he thought they were sexy or some sh#t."

Minx stumbled in her tracks before plopping next to Techno. George took a seat next to Dream, looking over at the blondie to give a smile as a hello.

"It's okay."

"Hey, guys. I'll be your waiter for today. My name is Jared. (💀) Is there anyhing I could get you for a drink?" He smiled.

"I'll have a water, please." Techno said before looking over at Minx.

"I'll have a beer. George, your driving."

"Uh---a water is fine." George nodded, looking over at Dream.

"Can I get a milkshake?" A big, innocent smile was on his face. Techno nodded at him as he was paying. He insisted. "A strawberry milkshake, please."

"Alrighty, I'll be back with your drinks soon." And he walked away.

"A beer?" George asked Minx.

"What the f#ck do you want from me, George? I just want a drink---"

"You know how this goes---you're gonna order more and more---I'm gonna have to drag you to the car!" He tried to be quiet.

"This is my only one. I swear." Even though George didn't believe her, he still nodded. Poor boy.

Dream looked back up at Techno, trying not to get caught while staring. Of course, that was the wrong move, 'cause Techno's calm, but intimidating eyes made their way to his flustered face.

The boy looked away immediately, trying not to act like he was actually falling for this guy.

The pink-haired male let a soft smile free. His cheeks went a pastel red on his pale skin before looking down at the table.

The two were just minding their own business, trying not to listen to the bickering next to them.


"I think the dress is nice,'s tight."

"And you tell me now!?" They were whispering. Did they want to get kicked out?

"I was scared. Plus, I didn't think anyone would start staring. The guy over there was staring at your #ss!"


"W'll gee! Could've told me that minutes ago! I would've f#ckin' stabbed the sh#t outta him with my f#ckin' heel!"

"Too late now!"

"That's what I'm saying!"

"Just please wear something looser next time---"

Techno looked away from the two and back at Dream. He did a bold move and reached over to grab the blondie's hand, grabbing his attention.

The pink-haired male payed no mind to the other's scarlet face as he continued to play with his fingers, slightly caressing the soft skin.

Dream kept his green eyes on the male. He was holding HIS HAND! Not only was he holding it, but he was being gentle, too...

Techno looked sleepy while his eyes drooped, chin resting on the table above his arm.

"You look tired..." Dream said in a quiet voice. "Did you get enough sleep last night?"

"I did. It's just peaceful right now." The male said in a low voice.

Dream's heart fluttered. He wanted to take the other home and cuddle with him.

"Here are your drinks." Once the milkshake was put infront of Dream, his eyes lit up, which made Techno smile.

"Beer! Let's get h#lla drunk. Oh my gosh---" Minx started to chug. Half the bottle was gone.

The blondie looked over at George who wasn't too happy.

Lord, he's an angel.

"Enjoying?" Techno asked the boy across from him.

"Mhm!" Dream took in one big mouth full before swallowing it all.

Techno was evil, okay? He sat there, waiting. For what, you may ask?

The blondie gripped his hair.

"Brain freeze?" The other asked with a smirk to which Dream nodded. Techno chuckled before reaching over to ruffle his thick hair. "Take smaller sips."

The pink-haired man gave a kiss to Dream's forhead after Dream sat in the seat of the car.

"Let's get you home." Techno said in a quiet voice, content that he finally had the boy to himself.

Dream agreed to being his. :)

Uhm...Thank you!

Waking up to 101 notifications is really something XD I usually get like 16 overnight

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Waking up to 101 notifications is really something XD I usually get like 16 overnight.

And yes, i checked them aaaall.

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