Twenty: That's Not You? Pt.2

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It's been minutes and the knocking has turned into banging. Loud banging. So loud I feel as if the door was going to break. I cried silently.

My heart was pounding so hard and fast I could hear it. But suddenly the banging stopped. Was I okay?

I sat here for a little while, hearing nothing. I get up quietly, going to the window and looking out to see the car still parked and running....but nobody was in or getting in the car.

I shook my head, quickly and quietly getting back into my hiding spot. I then hear the stairs creak...slowly. The stairs creaked with each step.

My heart pounded against my chest even harder. How did they get in? Not too much time has passed until the creaking stopped. My eyes widened as they filled with tears. I swallowed.

Before I die.....I just want to let my mom and dad to know I love them. And of course all of my friends and Techno.

I then hear another creak by the door, which is only a foot away from the closet.

It was quiet after. No sounds or movement were heard or seen. Did they leave? This time, I was not getting up to check.

I then gasped as a smiling, white faced man with large teeth comes into my face. Only inches away. I held my breath, eyes wide.

The man stayed like that. He kept smiling with big, wide eyes. His nose, barely visible. It was quiet. He didn't move. I was petrified.

A loud screech was then heard, probably from him, but it was so loud. I then blacked out. The only thing I remembered was his hand going to the back of my head and smashing it right into my knee.

And there Dream's body lay...the creature gone, leaving the boy's half eaten body in his parents closet...

Tell me if u got scared :)

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