Thirdy-nine: Little Abusive, Don't You Think?

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⚠️Abuse, rape⚠️

(Dream is a little)

"Thank you so much for watching him!"

"Of course! It's a pleasure having him over!" The two people nodded.

"Well, I'm glad. How much do I owe you again?" Techno asked, keeping his arms wrapped around Dream from the back.

"Fifty." The lady replied.

"Alrighty..." Techno took out his phone, using PayPal to give cash to the babysitters in front of him. "There you are." He smiled.

"Thank you! Drive safely!"

"Of course, thanks!" He waved goodbye and drove off with Dream. "What's wrong?" He asked from the front, turning a left.

"I missed you." Dream answered. Which...was true.

"I missed you too! But you look so sad, I'm right here."

"Yeah, I know."

Techno was sat with Dream on the bed, giving little kisses while they watched TV. It was a happy, yet calming mood. Hearing small giggles from Dream gave Techno literal life.

"You're so cuuuute!" Techno whispered while rubbing his nose into Dream's neck below his ear.

The boy giggled before wrapping his arms around Techno.

"My piggy piggy piggy. Oink oink!" The man smiled, closing his eyes in content.

"Let's take a shower, then we can sleep, alright?" Dream nodded, being picked up after.

Techno undressed the two after turning the shower on to a warm temperature. Not too hot and not too cold.

Once Dream was undressed, he stopped.

There were bruises on his upper legs, knees, private areas, stomach and chest. The boy got bruises sometimes in a great while, but not like this.

"Baby..." Dream looked down at Techno.


"Who did this to you?" Dream saw the bruises before going a bit pale.

He didn't get a chance to see them yet.

"Uhm...I fell."

"Don't you lie to me, young man! You tell me what happened right now!" He pointed at the scared boy.

"I can't!"

"Why not?!"

"They'll hurt you!" Dream shook.

"Who will?"

"Amy and Jake." Dream mentioned the two babysitters.

"Did they do this to you?" Dream nodded at Techno's question who went wide-eyed. "They hurt you?!" Dream nodded again. "Tell me, baby, how did they hurt you?"

"They touched me."

"Touched you how?"

"They hit me and uhm... took my clothes off---did bad things to me."

"Oh h#ll no...they did no no stuff? Did it hurt?" Dream nodded, biting on his thumb.

Techno got up from a kneeling position and called the cops. His baby was beaten and raped!

"It's gonna be okay. Amy and Jake are too weak to hurt me." He shushed Dream to get him falling asleep. "Go to sleep." He whispered, petting the boy softly.  "You're okay. I'm okay. We're okay. They're in prison." Dream let out a little giggle. "What's so funny?" Techno whispered.

"They're in prison." Techno stayed quiet then let out a small chuckle.

"They are. For a long time.....I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Goodnight." Techno whispered.

Avocados 🥑 from Mexico 🇲🇽

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