Twenty-one: A Different Breed

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⚠️mention of rape, (it's not actually happening tho.)

"Careful. Inject slowly." The man told the new scientist.

It was 2023. Another virus had broken out in the U.S.A and caused a pandemic. Though, there was one already going on.

This virus had the name of Luscetipe. It caused headaches, cramps, redness in the skin, and worse of all, a decay of the uterus.

With the uterus gone, theres no children! No more population!

This was gonna be the end of the world for all we know it!

But, the scientists had said 'NO!'. They said they were going to breed subjects for more babies. Meaning, there's a lower chance of humanity going in the dumps.

If that wasn't going to fix the problems, then what won't? That's right, a cure. Many scientists actually argued over this matter. They didn't want to breed unstick humans! They wanted to find a cure!

This arguing had gone on for months! But, they decided to do half and half. They both worked on it.

"Good. You're hired."

"Cage 203, 204, and 303 get a new breeding partner today! Chop chop! Let's go!" The head scientist said as he walked backwards in the halls.

"Sir! We have a problem in the back."

"He won't wake up." The boy said, staring at the pink-haired male, snoring his life away.

"Then splash water on him!"

"We've tried! He just..won't open his eyes."

"Then carry him." And with that, the head scientist walked away.

Dream was startled by the loud noise of the cage opening. A man was dropped on the other side across from Dream. a breeding partner? Again?

Dream stared at the pink haired male. He was sleeping.

With pokes on the shoulder from Dream, he still wasn't waking up.

The boy huffed before trying to lay down in the tiny space. He usually had more room, but he supposed the scientists wanted the two to bond. Like always.

So, with the boldest move, he leaned forward and layed his body on the random man. His head on his chest, and the rest of his body between his legs.

The pink-haired man was somewhat sitting, so his head was just leaning on the window.

This made him quite uncomfortable; he woke up.

Dream felt little movements from the stranger, but didn't really care as he was too comfortable on him already.

Techno was confused. He looked around. He already made it? And he had to stay in a glass box?

He felt something move on his lower body before he looked down to see a blond boy sleeping on his stomach.

A boy? The h#ll? He was supposed to get a girl! Not a boy!

"Who are you?" Techno asked the other one in the glass box. Green eyes looked up toward Techno's brown ones.

"My name is Dream." The boy smiled.

Techno didn't respond. Instead, he looked outside the glass.

"'Scuse me!" He tapped on the glass when a scientist walked pass them.

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