Twenty-four: A Different Breed, Pt.3

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Techno was sat on the bed infront of Dream, drying of his hair. Dream had just taken a shower after Techno.

"Thank you." Dream mumbled.

"No problem."

It's been three days since they've been invited in the warm home of Tommie. Tommie was such a sweet girl. She fed them (not literally), she gave them free access to showers and baths, she gave them their own room, she gave them clothes, and she gave them any hygiene product they needed.

Tommie has done so much for the two. And they couldn't thank her enough.

"Come on." Techno told the pregnant boy before they both went out of the room for a movie night.

"Hi, guys! What do you wanna watch?" She turned her attention back on the TV.

"Uhm...anythin'." Techno said before sitting on the couch.

"Same." Dream said, sitting close to Techno as much as possible. He wanted to steal Techno's warmth. Though, they were really just sharing it.

"You guys down for 'The New Mutants'?" She looked over at them.

"I've never watched it." Dream said.

"Yeah, sure."

Tommie pressed play before covering up with her blanket, passing some to the two boys at the other end of the couch.

Techno had Dream laying on him, while Tommie just had her cat on her lap.

Around twelve AM, everyone was fast asleep on the couch. Tommie had the cat on her stomach, Techno and Dream were tangled together.

It was a peaceful night. A snowstorm going on outside (probably wrecking the tent), and the clock making a soft ticking noise. Nothing could be better right now.

It's been months by now. Tommie let the two move in with her. Techno got a job and helped pay rent, along with any food, clothes, hygiene products, almost anything.

Dream was going to labor in three months. Did tommie know who the father was? No, she did not. She never asked! She didn't want to get in their business.

But, she was almost sure it was Techno's kid. He loved on Dream's belly all the time. He also cared for Dream. He gave Dream baths/showers, he made sure Dream was comfy all the time, he was a great person to Dream.

Even if Tommie was almost very sure, she still never got an official answer. So, she won't really know 'til she does.

And Tommie wasn't against having a baby in the house! She just won't like all the crying and the mess. But Techno and Dream are such sweet people to make move out.

She wants them to stay. They're practically family to her now! And soon, the baby will be, too!

"Can I hold him?" Techno asked Dream.

"He's your kid, too. Go ahead." Dream passed the baby over to Techno, the other dad.

"I wanna name him Hansel." Dream mumbled.

Techno smiled before looking down at the new born.

"Hello, Hansel."

The end.

(I hated these chapters. They were a pain in the #ss!)

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