Nineteen: That's Not You?

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⚠️THIS STORY WAS EDITTED FROM MY OTHER ACCOUNT! I DID NOT STEAL IT!ITS MY WORK. Also, people keep asking if this story is based off of the Annie96 story or whatever, but I have no clue what that is. This story was from the top of my head. Just clearing that out.⚠️




I skipped around my house, turning off all the lights except one, just incase I decide to come back down later in the night to get a drink or something.

I then make my way upstairs to my room. It's down the hallway to the right. Jumping on my bed, I open the texts from Techno. He dropped me off not too long ago from a date we had together.

He asked me infront of all the people at school in the hallway. I was so surprised and happy! It was just unreal to be honest.

I was thinking of something to text when all of a sudden, I see light leaking through my window, into my room by headlights of some car.

Getting up, I go over to the window and look out to see Techno's ugly, rusty, lookin' car. But nobody gets out. The car just kept running. Hmm? Weird.

I look back down at my phone and started texting.

Me: Techno, why are you here?

Techno🧡: Huh?

Me: At my house? Why are you here?

Techno🧡: I'm at home?

Me: Look I know I said my parents wouldnt be home tonight, but that doesn't mean you can just show up.

Techno🧡: Baby..stop playing games and just go to bed.



Me: I literally see your car right outside my window!

Techno🧡: Well obviously you dont BC IM NOT THEREEEE!

Me: Stop being childish and go back home

Techno🧡: I'm not there. That has to be someone else

Me: Really? And does that someone have a dent on the right side of their car, rust on the edges by the tires, a broken door handle, and red paint dumped on the top?

Techno🧡:...can you video call me real quick?

I sighed and went on Google Duo.


Is Calling

I swiped up to see Dream's face, looking a bit irritated.

"Let me see the car." I demand.

He looks down at the camera and in a few seconds the video turns around. Dream pointed it outside and tried his best to make it focus. The light from the head of the car made it hard to see the details, but that sure is my car. But how?

I have my keys on my dresser, and if I went to go check, my car would still be in the driveway, so how is it possible for it to be parked infront of Dream's house?

Just knowing that there's a car that looks exactly like mine gives me chills.

"Dream? Can you see who's in the car? 'Cause as you can see, I'm in my room." I lift the camera, so he could make out the features of an ordinary teenage room.

"So....tsk, no. You could've sent someone over with your car." He says matter of factly.

I shake my head, "no, Dream. My car is outside."

"Yeah, in my driveway."

I sigh, turn the camera around, and walked to my window, showing him my car, which had the same details as the car outside of Dream's house.

As soon as he saw my car, his smirk was clean off his face in a matter of seconds. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"So...if you're home, and you have your car, then who's outside my house?"

"Baby, you should call the cops and lock all the doors and windows."

"They are locked, and-" he stopped. He was looking out his window. "They're getting out of the car. And-oh my gosh! They're huge!"

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! How many people are there?"

"Just one." He furrowed his eyebrows. "They're just-standing there. I don't-I don't understan---ew that smile, though." He stares outside his window until he quickly ducks down. "They saw me. What do I do? I don't want to answer the door!" He panicked.

"Uh-uhh-uh---just....alright, Dream, go find somewhere to hide, and quick! Then-" The phone call ended. Oh no.


My phone, no, no, no, no, no, nooooo! I need to call the cops.

I run over to my nightstand and unplug my charger. I then run to my parents room and get into their closet after plugging my phone into the closest outlet by me.

Not only am I crying now, but I just heard a very loud knock on the front door, which made me stop immediately.

I'm so scared.

Ready for part two?

Btw, my other book, this is Jeongguk and Taehyung.

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