Fourty-eight: His Abused Piggy, Pt.2

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Techno heard the giggling from Niki down the hall. Everyone gets baths from here and then, he always went last. This was just so he can have the longest time with Dream.

He remembered when Dream first got his job and tried to give him a bath, the boy got scared. Maybe because of how scary he was. Or maybe it was when he tried to bite the blondie's arm off before he laid a hand on his piggy ears.

Could've been any of those. Techno remembered and regretted trying to hurt Dream. He was very gentle and nice.

After Techno had warmed up to him, the baths were the best.

Before he had noticed his goofy smile on his face, more giggles erupted. The smiled was replaced with a frown. He and Dream never giggled. What was different? What were they doing?

"Jealous?" Tommy asked with bored eyes, hair still wet from his bath.

Techno look over at him and rolled his eyes.

"Ya'know...I'm sorry 'bout the other night, I didn't mean to be so harsh." Techno averted his eyes over at the blond boy.

"It's fine. You're just a kid." Techno had looked away.

It was silent for a few minutes, Tommy thinking about what he had just said.

"What's your problem, anyway?" The boy asked. "You like the caregiver or something?" Techno looked over at him.

"How'd you know?" Techno asked him, brows furrowed.

The boy raised his eyebrows, mouth agape.

"You do?" Techno rolled his eyes and looked away, already done with him. "Is that why you're so upset? The giggling? You already have ten extra minutes with him---"

"She's naked!" Techno brought up.

"We all are...when taking are, too."

"She's a girl. He's a boy. They're giggling. It should be my turn by now, look at the clock! A space extra---"

"You mean a minute?"

"....Yeah. Sure. Yeah. It's my turn..." tears welled in Techno's soft eyes.

"Are you serious?" Tommy said before two blondies walked over, one in pajamas.

"In, in." Dream smiled at Niki who got into her cage, a smile plastered on her face.

The boy then kneeled down before Techno with a soft smile before unlocking the cage. He opened his arms for the piggy who crawled out into his arms.

"Come on, your turn." Dream poured in more water into the box before adding some soap.

Techno got undressed before getting into the somewhat cold water.

The bath was quiet, Dream just washing his long, pink hair, making the curls straight.

This was until Techno got the courage to speak up.

"What were you and uhm... Niki laughing about?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh, she found someone who wants to take her home. His name is Wilbur, and she got some jokes from him, told me a few and they were pretty funny." He smiled, gently running his fingers across Techno's ears, slightly touching the gold earrings.

"Oh." Dream giggled. "Jealous? It's okay, you're still my lil'chicken nugget." Dream pecked the top of his head from behind. "By the way...I have a surprise for you after my shift ends."

Techno perked up at the sentence, turning to look at the blondie. His tiny snorts erupted from him.

"Mhm. I can't wait to show you. I hope you'll like it." Dream rinsed out Techno's hair with some water before grabbing a towel with soap.

Snorts came from the piggy as the other ran the towel along his chest, stomach, and arms.

"I'm sure you'll like the surprise. I certainly get something out of it, too." He smiled.

There were muffled voices from the other room that Techno tried to pick up, though, it was no use. It was late at night and he was curious to see what the surprise was.

Dream's shift should've ended five spaces---minutes ago.

Just then, the door to the hall opened. Techno let out loud snorts, going up to the front of the cage.

"Hey, buddy." Dream opened the cage before rubbing his thumbs on his ears. "Ready to go?"

Techno nodded his head before the two left the shop and into the car.

The car ride was silent, Techno kinda getting scared or nervous. Even though he trusted Dream, he still got these feelings something bad might happen.

The car stopping had him come back to his senses. He looked over at the blondie who smiled.

"Come on." He opened his door and got out of the car. Techno followed behind and walked up to the porch. Dream turned around and faced him while searching for his key. "You know where we are?"

The piggy looked up at the house and guessed, "home?"

"Mhm. This is my home." And he opened the door, revealing a lively room. "This is the living room, and over there is the know why you're here?" Dream turn around at him with a smile.

Techno's head spun with thoughts. Is he being kidnapped? Are they have a game night? Movie night? The piggy shook his head.

"You live here now."

"And this is your room." Dream opened the last door to the house, revealing a pink and gold wall, red bed, white carpet, and a desk with a computer on it. "I didn't get to the clothes part yet---oh!" Dream got startled when Techno threw himself on the boy, hugging him tightly.

Happy snorts came from the piggy's snout which nuzzled into Dream's neck. The latter giggled as he was tickled.

"Come here." He smiled, opening his arms for Techno. "I'm gonna take good care of you. Give you warm baths, feed you, cuddle you, and give us lots of time to watch movies and cook and all sorts of stuff. I love you a lot and I want you to have a nice home." Dream tapped his snout before giving it a light kiss.

Techno flushed a dark red before letting out some more loving snorts.

"Let's get you into bed."

Though, that didn't really work out as Techno fought with him. He wanted to sleep with Dream, not alone.

"Okay, okay." Dream put his hands up in surrender. "You may sleep with me, BUT...tomorrow you have to at least sleep in your room, okay?" Vigorent nods came from the hybrid before they crawled into Dream's bed.

Techno quickly got into the bed on the opposite side of Dream who started to close his eyes.

He was quite hesitant, really. He was being selfish by now. He got a nice home with Dream, got to sleep with him, and now he wants to push his limits into cuddling up to Dream. Right there, on his soft tummy.

So he carefully crawled over, and rested his head on Dream's stomach, getting comfy.

"Techno---" Dream moved. Refusing piggy screeches came from the hybrid who held onto the blondie. "Sh-shhhh. Quiet, quiet." Dream shut the other up who let out more calming snorts, still holding Dream's waist tight. "You can stay, chill." Dream ran his fingers through Techno's soft locks, slightly touching his ears.

The piggy started to calm down, listening to Dream's digestive system and his quiet heartbeat, his grip never loosening.

"Such a loving piggy..."

Idk if I should make ONE more part or not.

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