Seven: "IT'S AN ALPHA!" pt.2

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It was confusing to me. I was here. I wanted to leave. I wanted to go home. I wanted to see George.

But the other part of me is also saying, 'stay'. Because....the moments that I have, can be one of the best or the worst.

I had been neglected. But sometimes, I could be enjoying myself with Techno.

I stayed put in his arms as he stepped side to side. My socks were on his as we danced on the wood floor of the living room.

My eyes started closing out of tiredness as I kept my head rested on his right shoulder.

He had made sure I wasn't to fall and hurt myself nor the pups.

Yes, I was pregnant with pups. His pups. Our pups.

My arms loosened around him as his just tightened.


"Yeah," I mumbled.

"Want to go to sleep~?" He smiled at me when I picked my head up and looked at him.

"Yes, please." So he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his torso.

"Let's get you to sleep. Want a bath before you go to bed?" He asked.

"No, thank you. I took one a few hours ago."

"Okay." He caressed my lower back before entering our room.

Techno lied me down and covered me up with the blanket.

"Goodnight," he kissed the top of my head before turning the light off, going back down the stairs.

See? I don't want to leave, but I do as well...

"Poke<3" Techno chuckled, as he rubbed, kissed, and poked my tummy. I giggled. "I wonder how many are in there," he said, tracing circles on my stomach.

He got more comfortable on my lap by putting a pillow there.

"Play with my hair?" He asked. I gladly obliged, running my hand through his pink locks. "I love you, baby." He looked up at me.

I smiled. "I love you, too." I bent down and kissed his nose.

"I'll get it!" He yelled through the house. In my opinion, I think what Techno did a month ago is really just a mistake. A big one, but people change. Maybe he's just a jealous f#ck.

"Hippity hoppity, get off my property." I heard Techno. I went over to the door to see George!

"George!" I ran up and hugged him.

"DREAM!" He ran up and brought me in a bone-crushing hug.


This wasn't fair! Dream was mine. Only mine. He can't have George. George can't have him! I marked him. He's mine!

So what I did was I snatched Dream away from George and wrapped my arms around him.

"I told you to get off my property."

"No! Please---" I put my finger over Dream's mouth.

"That's my best friend! You can't keep him awa---" he sniffed the air. "Dream, are you pregnant?"


"He is. They're mine. Leave."

"But please~! There's nothing to be so jealous of! I'm just his friend. Nothing more!"

"I told you to leave. Dream is mine now. He stays here. With me. Only."

"Techno?" I looked down at Dream's big, green eyes. "Please let him stay. I promise I wouldn't leave you. Please?" And how hard it was...

"You can stay for a little while before I make up mind on if you can stay or not. Get inside."

"Yes!" The boy screamed.

"Not with that child like scream you're not." I turned back around. "Shut the f#ck up." I then went back to walking towards the living room.

I sat down and watched as Dream brought George into the room.

"So how many months?"

"Just one." He said. I listened as I continued to read my book.

"Ohh. So I suppose you don't know the genders, yes?"


"How have you been?"

"I've been good. Where did you guys go?"

"We navigated not too far from here. Stopped by the huge river! Oh! I also found my mate!"

Once I heard that, I felt a lot better. Why was there a reason to be so jealous?

"Really? What's his name? Rank? Did he mark you?"

"Okay, slow down." The boy giggled. "One, it's not a boy."


"Dream..." he looked over at me. I put my finger to my mouth.

"Sorry, sorry...sorry sorry!"

"It's a girl. She's a beta. Her name is Minx. And yes, she did." He giggled.

"Woah...that's cool. What does she look like?"

"Purple hair. Curvy. She's E-girl. I don't know. She has nice eyes. And she's funny."

"Did you meet her while the attack went on?"

"Mhm..she was the one with the alphas. She tripped over my leg and fell on me. She was gonna kill me, but being mates saved me on that one. Plus, she's a simp."

I knew Minx. She was always the one getting in trouble.

"Thank you for letting George stay a little while. Well, and for letting him come over when we're free." He smiled.

"Of course." I kissed him before putting him down. "Hey, Dream..."

"Hm? Yeah?" He asked.

"I'm sorry for hurting you." I cried. "I promise to never ever ever do that again, okay? I promise." I sniffed, holding out my pinky.

"Oh, don't cry!" He wiped my tears, leaving my pinky untouched. "Don't cry."

"I love you, baby, okay? I love you a lot."

"I love you, too."

Yeah so....sorry for not doing dreamnotfound...but that will be another one k? That is when I get the motivation bc....its not gonna be fun to write.

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