Fourty-seven: His Abused Piggy

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(Similar to My Piggy Protector. Also, my ao3 is LoveAtomar02 :) )



As Dream walked around the shop, he looked at all the hybrids to make sure they had food and water.

"Good, good." He smiled, seeing that all the hybrids had the things they needed.

He went over to his favorite piggy and knelt down, smiling softly at the other.

"Hey Techno." He got a snort in return before putting his palm up to the cage. The piggy got closer and put his snout right up to Dream's hand, snorting softly.

"Dream! We have a costumer! Can you please come here!" The boy looked back over at the hybrid and waved goodbye before going to the cash register.

"Hello, how may I help you?" He asked kindly, smiling at the young girl and fancy looking woman.

"I've come to get my daughter a hybrid. The finest one." She said in one of those fancy, rich voices.

"Oh, yes, of course. Would you like to come take a look around?"

"Yes. Come on, sugar, let's go." The spoiled looking girl followed her mother who followed Dream.

"These are some of our hybrids. Very cute. We have cats, dogs, lizards, foxes, lions, all sorts!"

"Hmm...I see. Sugar, pick one out." The lady scooted the girl forward who looked confident in finding the one she wanted.

"Hmmmmm..." the little girl hummed, leading the way. That was until she had stopped, looking at one under the top cage. "I want this one." She demanded, pointing at the piggy hybrid.

"Oh! Goodness. Yucky things! How about we get a cat and not a pig!"

"But mummy, I want this one. Now." The little girl demanded her mother, arms crossed over her Gucci coat. She had to at least be seven years old.

"Oh...I suppose you can get a piggy." She gagged.

"Good." The little girl turned towards Dream. "I want that one, right there." She pointed at Techno who was up against the back of his cage, clearly not wanting to go home with those two, Dream didn't want that either.

"Uhm...I---he's...sick." he made up an excuse.

"I WANT THAT PIGGY!" The girl screamed.

"Five thousand dollars!"

"Ma'am, that's the normal pay." Dream looked kinda nervous.

"Alright, one million dollars!" She handed him stacks of money.

He looked down at Techno who shook his head, fear noticeable on his cute face.

"Did I just hear one million dollars???" Jschlatt came out of the back.

"You did." The lady said confidently.

"Sold." He took the money and unlocked the cage, dragging the hybrid out, who snorted in discomfort.

"There you go, sugar. He's yours now."

"Bad piggy!" She threw wooden blocks at him. "You have to drink the tea! I said so!" They were currently playing tea party. Techno had his plastic cup filled with old, nasty water which had a bunch of dust filled in it.

Hurtful snorts came from him, blocking the hard wood from hitting him.

"I SAID DRINK!" She demanded the piggy, who then drank it all, coughing after. "Good boy." She patted him on the head, his ears pressing down against his head as he shrunk in his tiny, pink seat.

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