Thirteen: Purr

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"Aye," George made tiny kissing noises. Dream looked over to him before quickly crawled onto his lap on the floor and bundling up into a ball.

George carefully caressed the boy's ears, which flinched a bit as he did so. But overall, Dream enjoyed it and began to softly purr.

"Are you hungry, Dream? Hmm? I can make some pizza if you want." Dream's ears purked up as his tail started to sway excitedly.

"Yes, please~," the cat hybrid said softly, looking up at his owner.

"Okay, lemme get up." George said before Dream got off and ran back off to the couch.

"Ahh," George told Drean before feeding him a bite of cooled down pizza. "Careful, don't choke." George kept his hand under Dream's chin as he reached over for the napkin to wipe his face.

George gave Dream another bite of pizza. Before he took him in his home, Dream wasn't in good shape. Poor thing was kicked out of his last owner's home because he was falling asleep on jobs he was givin'.

He was malnourished and sleep deprived. The hybrid was living next to a dumpster! Gladly, George had gotten Dream to eat more, and rest more than what the hybrid needed.

Dream was slowly becoming healthier as days go on. He was a happy cat now!

"Here, have some water." George gave the boy some water before Dream started chugging it down. "Woah, woah! Slow down. I don't want you to choke." He carefully took the glass and put it down as the boy just sat there, big doe-eyes looking around.

"You still hungry?" George asked him, only to get a no in return. He guessed it was okay, though, he wanted the boy to eat just a bit more. He let it go, however. Dream did drink lots of water just now.

"Need to go potty?" Dream shook his head, sliding off the chair and cleaning up the mess on the table. "Oh, it's okay. I've got it. You go and pick out things for the bath. I'll be in there soon." Dream then ran to the bathroom.

He loved baths. Not many cats do because of all the water that gets in their ears, but George was easy and knew how to keep his hands and eyes away when Dream wasn't comfortable.

George didn't splash, spill water into his ears, get soap in his eyes, and he doesn't invade his privacy.

Dream was hands down FOR this man. He wanted all hybrids to have someone like George, too.

"Okay, did you pick out the soap you wanted to use?"

Dream held up the strawberry scented body and hair wash.

"Put in bath, too?" Dream asked.

"Of course! Here," he turned the water on "tell me, is it too hot or too cold?"

Dream stuck his finger under the water.

"It's okay." He smiled at George who nodded.

"Want me to leave you---?"

"No, it's okay." Dream said before struggling with his shirt. It was stuck on his head, his chest and tummy exposed while his head was...gone!

"Help, please?" Dream squeaked before stumbling a bit.

"Oh, my goodness." George let a smile slip before unbuttoning the neck part. It suddenly came off while Dream turned a bit red from George.

Once he got fully undressed, (George was turned around) he was in the bubbly water.

He played with the loofah while waiting for George to fill the cup with faucet water.

"Close your eyes, baby." Dream did so as his stomach filled with butterflies.

George covered his ears before carefully pouring the water.

"I'm going to...wash your hair now." Without a response, he looked over at Dream. "That cool?"

Dream nodded, pulling the bubbles towards him. He picked some up and stuck his nose in.

"Look! I'm Rudolf!" Dream smiled, pointing at himself.

"Oh my goodness! I thought I was giving Dream a bath, not a reindeer!" He smiled.

Dream giggled, he knew he was just playing around, but it still made his day.

"Come on. Bed time." George said.

Dream was in a green dinosaur onesie which had a hole cut at the back for his tail.

"I thought we were gonna play Minecraft together?"

"Tomorrow, we will. But you need to go to sleep, mister. We need to get you on a better schedule."


Dream got up from his Minecraft plushies and followed George into their room.

He crawled in the huge bed and snuggled under the blankets. George then followed and got under with Dream.

"Can we hug while we sleep?" Dream asked.

"You mean cuddle? Of course we can." He opened his arms for the boy who quickly got in them.

George started to caress Dreams cat ears before purring erupted into the quiet room.

"You're so cute. Goodnight, Dream."



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