Fifty-one: I Take Damage, BONUS

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Okayyy, ik I said I was gonna end this book but I need to write more XD

⚠️this part is pretty dark, so I dont recommend reading. RAPE AND ABUSE AND BLOOD ⚠️

"I don't understand..." Niki cried, her head resting on the palm of her hand.

"What is so hard!?" Wilbur yelled at her while pacing around the room. "It's been months since Techno has died...and you're still arguing with me about it?" Wil looked evil. Niki was scared of him but she couldn't help but to want not just justice for Dream...but justice for Techno as well.

Dream was abused in so many different ways by Techno. But one thing she had learned was he was sorry for what he did. Very sorry. And Techno suffered from what he did, Niki knew that.

"I just want you to understand..." tears fell from her pretty eyes.

"UNDERSTAND WHAT!?" Wilbur yelled, knocking over a lantern, shattering it. The room was darker, and Wilbur being in the state he was in wasn't helping.

"I'm sorry---" more tears fell down Niki's rosy cheeks. "Don't hurt me..." she looked up at Wil who still had his angry expression.

Even though the two have never had any relationship higher than friends, Niki had still went through serious domestic violence with Wil.

He hurts her. He locks her up and starves her just as Techno had done to Dream.

"What don't you understand?" Wilbur glared at her with a deep voice. "No one should suffer like Dream had..."

Niki shook her head, not believing what her best friend had turned into. So, she quickly got up and grabbed her coat, ready to leave the house before she was pushed against the wall with such a force.

"And where do you think you're going, missy?" His face was close to her's, with a smile that meant no good.

"Out." Her cheeks were still wet from tears, her mascara a bit ruined. Niki tried to keep eye contact with him, but it was hard when he was only and inch away from her.

Wil just stood there, and stared at her before he took in a breath. "I think not." He had a small smirk resting on his face. "Back to the bedroom we go..."

And Niki screamed while being forced up the stairs.


And it didn't end well that night...everything hurt. She laid in bed with Wil's shirt over her small frame.

(This is nothing to do with shipping, I'm showing shes going through the same thing Dream had been going through. If nobody is comfortable having this written, lmk in the comments and I'll remove this part)

She cried silently, trying not to wake the monster that lay beside her. Imagine....her dying just like Dream had and Wil...being sorry...

She knew that would never happen. Niki's so surprised Techno had been sorry. How can one be so sorry for purposely killing the one they love. Slowly and painfully.

Wil didn't love her. She loved him, as a friend. A brother. What brother would do this to her? Of course, he would.

Niki had enough. It's time for Techno's justice. She wanted it to happen and she's sick of waiting.

The girl carefully got out of the bed and snuck down the stairs. She took her boots and put them on along with Wil's soft coat. It smelled just like him. And he smelled nice, surprisingly.

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