Thirdy-three: I Take Damage

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"You really thought you could get away with that?!" Techno yelled at the shaking boy.

He knew to speak, but to not speak. He was scared. All he had done was say hello to George, his best friend. Yet, Techno got mad at him.

"I didn't mean to upset you." The pink-haired male shook his head, his long hair in a braid.

(Lives in the SMP btw)

"Of course you didn't. You never do." Dream silently cried in the corner of the room, scared of what Techno would do.

"I'm sorry..." the boy whispered, readying himself for impact. Though, it never came. He looked up, Techno wasn't there. "Sh#t..."

He knew his husband was up to something. Maybe he was gonna grab his pickax and shred his skin with it.

There was enchantments on it. No doubt it'd be sharp and painful.

Or maybe, Techno was gonna make him take a weakness potion so he couldn't do anything for hours.

Without hearing anything, he got up from the floor and made his way to their shared bedroom.

Dream sat down on the creaky bed and closed his eyes, taking in deep breaths.

The half pig was brewing potions. He was tired and hungry. He wasn't taking care of himself as much as he'd like, but things had to be done.

He told himself that if he got done with his tasks, he could at least take a nap.

In the middle of brewing, he heard the door open. His ears flicked towards the sound in the dark room as he didn't move at all.

"T-Techno?" He heard.

"What?" He let out flatly.

"I made you some dinner. I thought maybe you'd be hungry since you've been in here for so long." Dream stayed put, not wanting to anger the other.

Techno turned his head to look at the tiny male.

"Put it on the table." Dream did as he was told, but didn't leave.

"You tired?"



"I could continue to brew. I just wanna make sure you're taken care of."

"I said leave!" The boy flinched. "I'll do what I want."

"Alright. Be sure to eat, please. I love you. Goodnight."

And the door was shut.

It was late in the SMP. Everyone was sleeping or getting ready to sleep.

Dream was really tired, but he wanted to wait for Techno to come and lay down. It had to've been four in the morning.

The boy was about to fall asleep without control before he felt the bed dip behind him. The covers were tugged on a bit.

Techno went closer to his husband and wrapped his right around around him, burying his face into the back of Dream's neck.

The king took a deep breath before exhaling the hot air on the boy's cold skin.

"Goodnight, baby." Techno whispered before falling asleep completely. He didn't know Dream was awake, of course. It sure did warm up the boy's heart.

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