Fifty: His Abused Piggy, Pt.3

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Dream woke up around four AM, looking down to see Techno in the same position he was in when they fell asleep. He reached out and let his hand go left to right on top of his head, the piggy letting out sleepy snorts.

The boy was quite uncomfortable, sweating a bit where Techno lay. He lifted himself up on his elbows and looked down at the pinkette. Dream's heart fluttered at the sight, he looked so peaceful. Techno was never peaceful at the shop, he knew that. 

Whenever Dream would go to the shop really early in the morning, Techno would always wake up to him opening the door. Either he was excited to see him, or he could never sleep. Maybe it was the cages. The discomfort. Maybe it was scary there. Maybe it was the tight space in the cages, not much room could lead to anxiety or claustrophobia. He knew Techno wasn't claustrophobic, though.

Dream placed both his hands on either side of Techno's upper body before lifting him, well, it was an attempt. 

"Ugh..." Dream frowned, the piggy's arms are STILL hanging onto him. "Get off." he tugged at him again before he jumped in fright. 

Techno continued to screech, his arms holding onto Dream even tighter. 

"SHHHH! SHHHH!" Dream placed both hands on his cheeks, calming down the pig hybrid, Techno calming down a bit, opening his eyes to look up at Dream. He snorted softly before closing his eyes to go back to sleep. "No, Techno...I have to use the bathroom." He said to the pinkette.

Refusing snorts came from the hybrid.

"Techno, please, I know you don't want me up, but you have to start getting used to it." Dream shrugged, the piggy snorting in defeat, letting go of him. "Thank you, I'll be back, 'kay?" He rubbed his thumbs across his ears before he left the room.

Techno sat on the bed, lifting his arms for Dream to put the shirt over this head.

"Up," Dream said, holding the pair of sweatpants for Techno to slide his legs into. The pinkette put his right foot in, holding onto Dream for support. His little, swirly tail shaking a bit.

Techno tapped his shoulder and pointed at his hoodie on the door.

"You...wanna wear my hoodie?" Techno nodded, looking at the source of warmth from a few feet away. "Okay." Dream grabbed it and slipped it onto Techno.

It was always big on Dream, so it wasn't too tight for Techno.

"Warm?" Dream asked with a smile. Techno nodded and rested his chin on the blondie's head, his ears drooping in satisfaction. "Good." He kissed his cheek which soon heated up into a red.

"Dream?" The boy looked up.


"Can I tell you something?" The piggy asked.

"Of course you can. What's wrong?" Worry laced his voice.

"You promise you'd still take care of me?" Techno asked with big doe eyes.

"Techno, yeah." Dream furrowed his brows.

"I uhm...I love you, Dream. I love you love you. Like in that way. Not our normal way. That way, I love you. Uh---" he paused, looking up at the blondie, ears pressed down right against his head.

Dream just stayed there, smiling.

"Love you, too, piggy." And Dream pulled his face down to kiss him right on the lips. Soft snorts came from the pinkette as he melted.

As soon as Dream pulled away, Techno snorted lovingly, then proceeded to say..."Does this mean we can make piggies now---!?"

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