Thirdy-eight: Take a Kiss

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Requested by Kody199

Dream watched as Wilbur shut his locker and took a small trip to his next class.

The boy was a ghost. Not literally, though. He was invisible to everybody! Nobody knew about him, talked to him, or even realized he took up a seat in class.

He wanted Wilbur. Bad. He wished Wilbur would notice him or maybe say something to him. Maybe even bump into him.

"I just...there is this guy...."

"Oh boy---" the old lady said. "You already getting crushes'n sh#t?" Dream nodded his head, looking back down at his lap. "Okay, and what's the problem?"

"He doesn't notice me."

"Notice you?"

"Yeah. I want him to, but I don't know what to do for him to realize I'm a living person!"

"I could make you dead."

"What the h#ll!? Grandma!"

"What?! You want the dude to kiss ya and make out with ya and do---"

"Blehroqbfoe! Stop! Yeah, yeah. I know. But what was the whole dead thing about?"

"You wanna grab his attention, right?" Dream nodded, leaning over to here the tea. "You could become dead, go into his house, and get him to fall in love with you."

"What the f---"

"Listen, boy. I'm almost one-hundred years old. I know what I'm talkin' about. Take this chance and use it with great caution. Become a ghost, and have him fall in love with you in one week. He will notice you. You're a ghost! No one else can see you nor hear you. Only he can. If you can get him to try and kiss you out of love, then you're back to being human. If not, stay dead forever. Your choice."


"Will you take the offer or not?"

"I' confused. I don't---"

"Oh whatever!" She did weird sh#t with her hands, then left the house.

"What the f#ck...?" Dream shook his head and went to his bedroom. "It's too late for this sh#t." And he fell asleep dreaming about Wilbur.

Dream got up from best and did his daily routine for school. Brushed his teeth, hair, changed his clothes---and yes, even his underwear unlike most guys.

(I'm sure the real Dream doesnt^ probably picks his nose and eats it 🤮 I'm never dating a Florida man)

Dream picked out his school books and left the house. He waited for his bus at the end of the street while scrolling through his phone.

The boy saw the bus pull up before he put the phone back into his pocket.

"Uh---" he stuttered. Why wasn't the driver opening the doors? " 'Scuse me?" The man shook his head before driving off. "Wait!" What was he gonna do? It's a thirdy minute drive.

Guess he's gonna have to grab his bike.

"We're gonna make it. We're gonna make it." He pettled all the way to school! No doubt his legs were sore. They hurt so bad.

Dream grabbed his phone to check the time, seeing he got a message from Nick.

Look at this post I found on Twitter.

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