Seventeen: The Demon in my Dreams

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Requested by X1KrazyKiller1X

"No!" There was more yelling through George's door. "Yes! I'm---goodnight~!" He put on his shirt and got under his blankets, bringing his pillow close.

And in a matter of few seconds, he was in deep sleep.

The door was open. Why? George was walking around the castle. It was dark and quiet.

In his dreams, he'd have times where he was stuck in this castle. Alone, and it was always dark.

He looked up and stared at the ripped cloth that hung from the ceiling about fifty feet off the floor.

He's seen it before. He's sure he's seen just about everything by now. You may call this lucid dreaming, as well.

So, with boredom, he walked down the hallway and on the creaky stairs.

Once George made his way down, he stepped infront of a dark, wood door. Oh, something he hasn't seen!

With curiosity, he pushed the door open. There was a bed, dresser, closet, and all sorts of other things a normal bedroom would have.

George walked in and looked around. It had nice colors. Dark brown and gold. And the bed had the colors!

"Hey, pretty boy~" George looked around frantically. He had heard a whisper from someone. But he was alone all this time!

"I must be hearing things..." he shook his head.

" must..."

"Okay, who's there!?" George was scared.

"Calm down...I'm just here to mess around." He heard a male voice say softly.

"Who are you?! Where are you?!"

"You may call me Dream. I'm right behind you." George heard a close whisper in his left ear. He turned around to see a pretty, blond boy in an oversized T-shirt.

"Where did you come from?" George looked the male up and down, admiring the body.

"Hell." George gulped.

"Are you supposed to be here?" George asked.

Dream nodded in response, getting onto the bed behind George. He sat, knees bent, putting his hands between his thighs.

George had a full view of the short shorts, unless...were they underwear?

"You're weak." Dream whispered, getting closer to George. "That is why I am here to make you stronger." Dream backed away.

"I'm weak?" George turned back around. Dream nodded, being unseen. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around George, tapping his legs.

"Yes, that is why you are here. Locked up by yourself." The demon scooted forward and pressed his front on George's back before placing his chin on his shoulder.

"'re here to help me?" George turned to meet Dream's gaze.

"Yeah..." Dream whispered, drawing circles on George's stomach.

"So help me."

"When are you coming back?" George asked, pulling his shirt over his head.

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