Thirdy-seven: The Paint Off my Body

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⚠️this is not stolen. It's from my other account. It was a taegguk and yoonminseok fanfic. If I mess up the names, understand why.⚠️


"They've been doing it all over TikTok." I smiled, picking out pretty purple paint.

"Yeah...but...they're female..." Alex trailed as I continued to look at all the paint.

"So? What does that have to do with anything?" I asked, not giving him a glance.

"Well....they have different parts than you---oh my---you have a penis, Dream."

I stopped what I was doing, thinking about it.

"Then the painting will have a penis on it. Or I could just not paint my dingaling."

Alex laughed, "so what is it gonna be? Are you gonna have a penis on your posterboard or no?"

"Mmm....I'm sure he's just attracted to my butt, I guess." I said as I grabbed a small bottle of glitter.

"I'm sure he's attracted to all of you." Alex said, encouraging me.

"I honestly don't care if he doesn't."

"Well, alright..." he said, following me around the craft store. "Don't you have everything you need?"

"No, I have to grab a frame. This needs to be framed."

"Okay...." he said.

"You should do that same for Nick and Karl." I told Alex. He was a switch, I guess. Karl was bottom out of them all, but I guess it didn't really matter.

"Mmm...I don't know...Nick might get mad at me for making such a gross picture. You know how he is..."

"But---it's not gross, Alex. He just gets....a little....protective...over your body. If anyone were to walk in and see the picture, he could get...jealous...?"

"I don't know. He can be a bit scary sometimes. One time he hurt Karl for showing his friend his stomach."

"I know...but if you hid the picture from where it couldn't be seen---"

"No. I'm not doing it..." Alex said.

"Alright...." I let the matter go.

Once we got out of the store, Alex was back to being his bubbly like self. I was on my way home to do the painting for Techno.

"Techno's gonna be so happy. This was a good idea by the way." Alex told me.

"I hope he'll be happy..." I told him.

"He will."

As soon as I got everything ready, I started stripping infront of Alex. Me and Alex didn't mind seeing each other naked, it's a best friend thing you wouldn't understand.

Once I was fully naked, I grabbed the big paintbrush and started painting the back of my legs, my feet, my hand, and my butt.

"Dream, that's a lot of paint..."

"I need it to work, plus, I don't want it drying too quickly." I told him. I then hopped my way over to the board before carefully sitting on it, putting my body parts in the right place.

Once I was sure it was good, Alex helped me up.

I looked back at the painting and awed at it. It came out perfect.

The butt part came out a bit bigger than I thought, but I knew Techno wouldn't complain a bit.

"I love it." I told Alex.

"You did a good job." Alex said, smiling.

"Thank you. Now we just gotta wait till it dries to put the frame on." I told him. "But like for real, you should get in contact with Karl so you two could do this for Nick. You may think he's gonna get mad, but I'm sure he'll be really happy to get such a gift." I told Alex who had frown upon his face.

"I'm just scared." He told me. His boyfriend wasn't abusive or anything, he's...just over protective.

"Don't be, if he does something bad, you and Karl are always free to stay here with me and Techno." I rubbed his back before he gave a light smile.

"I'll think about it."

"Good for you, Alex." I smiled warmly at him.

He nods his head before looking at his phone, "I should get going. Nick said I have to be home by three." He said, a small frown on his face.

"Alright, good bye." I said, giving him one last hug before he left.

I heard the door open after three hours. I ran over to the apartment door to give Techno a big hug.

"Well, hello." He greeted, giving me a big kiss while trying to shut the door behind him.

Once we pulled away, I gave a big smile.

"I got something for you, it's waiting in our bedroom." He smiled wide.

"Can't wait to see what it is." He said before making his way to the bedroom. Once he opened the door, he looked confused.

"Where is it?" He asked.

"Look at the bed." I told him before he turned around to see the picture hanging above the mattress.

"Oh---wow...I---ooh...." he said, staring at the picture. It was black with purple paint, It also signed Dream in paint with purple glitter on the bottom right corner.

"Do you like it?" I asked, worry spread across my face.

"I-I do...I'm just speachle---d#mn...that's a sexy painting right there...." he practically drooled.

I shyly giggled.

"I'm glad you like it." I kissed him.

And so did Nick....

Karl and Alex decided to make one of their own! Nick was so happy that he took them out for icecream.

But yeah...let's just say Techno stares at that picture every night.

The trend was old but so was this oneshot.


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