Sixteen: Graveyard

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Sry for the late update. I've been grounded for having a D in math :(


⚠️Blood, death,....and yeah. All that⚠️

"Go, go, go!" Techno ran out and took cover behind a rock. He heard gun fires and bombs.

After he loaded his shotgun, he rested it above the rock and took aim.

"Ah---!" He fell back onto the mud and held the right side of his chest. He was shot.

Blood was staining his uniform. He was losing blood quick.

"Techno! Techno." George ran over to Techno and kneeled down over him. "Hey, hey! Open your eyes." Techno looked up at him.

"I'm dying..." Tecchno mumbled.

"No!, you are not." George was shaking. "We'll-We'll get you help! We need a medic!!!" George screamed. He looked back down at Techno who was shutting his eyes. "No! Techno, listen to me. Technoblade never dies. Technoblade never dies, okay? Keep your eyes open!" George was crying.

"Please take care of my babies." Techno coughed.

"No! You are going home! You're gonna go home and see Dream and have your baby! You're going to be okay. WE NEED A MEDIC!!!" George was full on crying.

He wanted Techno to stay alive. He knew Dream wanted him home, too. Dream begged George to look after techno.

What was he going to tell Dream? They were going to have a baby girl in a few weeks!

"Please---I want you to take care of them." George sobbed while leaning down to rest his forehead on Techno's stomach, squeezing his hand.

"I-I-I ca-an't!" George cried. "They want you! Not me!"

"Please---I can't go home to see them---tell Dream and my daughter I love them." And Techno was gone.

George burst out crying. "Techno! Techno, please! We need a medic! Please..."

(I'm thinking of that one tiktok sound..."just come home..." f#cking kill me! XD)

"You're kidding..." George shook his head, lips pursed. He looked down with tears in his eyes.

"He said...before he left...he wanted me to take care of you guys. He wanted me to tell you he loves you very much." George sniffed.

Tears slid down Dream's cheeks.

"He's really gone..." Dream whispered.

His baby was coming in two weeks and the father won't even be there! The child will have one parent from the beginning to the end! She won't have two parents!

"Please forgive me." George cried. "I did what I could."

"It's not your fault." Dream hugged George.

"I gave up my bandages for Nick, and Techno used his for his stomach. We were out. I called a medic, but they never came." George sobbed.

(Just come home...SKSKSKS I NEED TO LEAVE!)

Dream didn't know what to do. Techno will never return. And that's what hurt him. He wasn't going to be there for dinners, movie nights, living room fort building with his daughter, nap time (A.K.A cuddle time), his daughter's first word, dates he wanted to have in the future...pretty much any happy thing Techno, his daughter, and himself will miss out on because he's dead!

So he cried. He wanted Techno to barge in through the door with open arms. Though, that will never happen. He died...he will never see him again.

"I'm so sorry..." George whispered. "So, so sorry..."

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