Fourty-three: That's Not You? Pt.3

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Requested by FanFics1221


I sat in front of the house on the hood of my car as I watched people walk in and out of it. It was protected by yellow tape and signs that said, 'DO NOT ENTER!'

I had just got the boy to myself and now he's dead. All gone.

I sat here in the cold while listening to the sobs from Dream's mom behind me. It was sad. We all missed Dream.

Everything was...dull. Grey....boring. There was no life anymore. My everything was gone. He's dead; he was worth living for and now he's gone. He slipped away from me.

Sighing, I looked back and watched the tears stream down the mom's red face.

I slipped down from my car and walked over, pulling her into a hug. She was shaking; she couldn't calm down.

She barely knew me. I barely knew her. We just knew what place we were in, and who we were to the boy who had just passed.

"Oh!" She cried. "I'm so sorry!" Sobbing, she tried to calm down. "I wish I wer-re home!"

"Shhh..." I soothed her. "Don't cry. It's not your fault." I ran my fingers through the mom's hair. We all needed comfort at this moment, but she needed it the most. That was her son that was just killed. Half of him was gone.

I knew what happened...sorta. I had been on the phone with Dream that night. Of course, I had never told anyone yet. I never wanted to scare his mom.

"My son is gone...." she continued to cry on my shoulder. It was soaked with tears and snot. I didn't care, her son has past.

I miss Dream, too.

I'm so sorry it's short. There's nothing much to write about but I hope this clears up what happened after Dream died :)

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