Fifty-two: The King Likes Men, Pt.4

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I just read pt 3 and I was like....girl...make another, u have to.

Techno carefully laid Dream down on the bed. He grabbed Alex and laid her right next to Dream.

His spouse had been pregnant for eight or nine months now and had been struggling to walk due to pain he was receiving.

The baby would continuously kick and cause heart burns. Techno had lulled him to sleep in the library about two hours ago. Becky had Alex while the two were reading books.

Dream had become King about three months ago and was also struggling with that. Though, that was why Techno was there. He took place of Dream's work for good and helped him with the baby and the pregnancy.

Techno was a great father and husband. Dream never thought Techno could be so soft and sweet when he first met him. But he's glad he was forced to marry him because look where he's at now. He's in a loving kingdom with his amazing husband, Techno.

He has almost two children and he already knew Techno wanted another. His husband was pretty good with kids and they still had Becky. Plus, Techno takes care of Dream during pregnancy so he wouldn't mind being pregnant again. Techno once said he loves the children, but he had also said he loved when Dream was pregnant because he looked so cute.

One of the funniest things that happened a while ago was when they were at the witch's hut seeing if Dream was pregnant.

"Yeah. You're preggo." The witch told them.

"What the f---"

"YAY!" Techno got up from his seat with the biggest smile.

He would never forget that moment in life.

Dream awoke as he felt the bed dip to his left. He looked over and saw Techno carefully pull the blankets over the two. The blondie watched while his husband placed his head on his chest and wrapped his arms around his tummy.

Dream got butterflies before placing his hand in Techno's hair.

The pink-haired male was startled before looking up at his lover.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Techno asked, moving up to lay his head on Dream's shoulder. The blondie admired the pinkie's face before shaking his head with a soft smile.

"No." He mumbled, letting a little laugh out. "I can't believe I was so scared of you before we met." Dream started to undo Techno's hair while making small talk with him. "It's so silly." He took his right hand and helped his left as it was struggling.

"Everyone was scared of me. They still are." The pig said, letting his husband do whatever with his hair.

"Well, I'm not. You're a bit too cute for that." Dream told him.

"I'm not cute..." Techno mumbled.

"Yeah, your weren't when we met. Remember that time that you forced me to stay with you. Or that time when we took a bath together?" He giggled. "I think that's when you started to open up a bit." Dream let out a little 'heh heh'. "Cutie."

"I do remember." Techno closed his eyes and relaxed in his spouse's arms.

Dream had continued playing with the pig's hair, making sure not to hurt him. The blondie moved his left arm (which was under the other) and put it up against his upper back, holding him close.

It was nice for the king to finally relax. Techno had always been taking care of Dream and the baby, and the kingdom with papers and war plans---so much. Techno was always stressed. Dream just knew calming the pig down was something the other needed.

And he was right.

"I got ya..." Techno kept his left arm around Dream's chest, the smaller's arm on top of his. "Good?" Dream nodded, feeling secure. "Okay." Techno squeezed the blondie's right hand with his, stepping around the polished marble, spinning every once in a while.

The ball room was empty, just the two dancing to quiet music disks. It was a peaceful night, just the two of them---well...more like three.

Techno kept Dream's back against his chest, and feet on top of his own. Their socks slid against the floor, making them giggle when they almost fell over.

They continued to dance until Dream felt something drip down his legs. He looked down and let out a little gasp which made Techno stop dancing and look down at the puddle on the floor.

"Tech---" Dream got cut off when his spouse picked him up and headed to the nursing room.

"It's okay." The pig smiled down at Dream who squeezed his eyes. He was a little embarrassed, ruining the small moment they were just having. "You're doin' great. We're gonna get you downstairs so you can have our little baby." Techno quickly went down the tile floors. Dream let out a small smile at how caring his husband was.

"C-Can we go to our room?" Dream asked, already starting to feel a little pain.

"No. We can't go upstairs. You have to see the doctor."

"Please?" Dream asked with a pout and puppy eyes.

"No. I'll take you up there after you have our little piggy. I promise." And Techno reached the nursing room.

"Is he alright?" The witch asked as Techno hurriedly placed Dream on the bed.

"He's about to have our baby." Techno turned to the witch.


"I never want to give birth again..." Dream groaned, about to give into sleep.

"Where does it hurt?" Techno asked Dream while caressing his cheek.

"Everywhere!" Dream began to let tears flow.

"Sorry, sorry..." Techno knew Dream was in pain. He had told him it was worse than having Alex. Probably because the baby that was in his stomach ended up being three children.

"If I would've known that I was having triplets...I would've never wanted to have any more kids." Dream blinked before looking down at his stitched up stomach.

"You did amazing though. I'm very proud of you." Techno smiled at him.

Dream let out a small smile. "What are their names gonna be?"

"I don't know yet. But I was thinking about Anwyll?" Techno asked, referring to the youngest boy.

"That's a pretty name." Dream then let his eyes close, still trying to listen to his husband.

" do you think we can have more babies?" Techno was only messing with him, but he kind of did want more babies.

"No!" Dream placed his left hand on his stomach. "I can't go through this much pain no more~!"

"Awee...but please?!" Techno pouted, holding his spouse close, keeping the other warm with blankets and body warmth.


Techno sighed. He leaned over and gave the blondie a kiss on the cheek. He heard quiet tapping and looked over at the window. Pixies were going crazy. They had watched Dream give birth..............and were excited!

The king held a figure up to his lips to shush the pixies. They flew away, letting Dream sleep.

The pinkie turned back around and watched Dream sleep peacefully.

"You did a good job." He whispered to the boy.


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