Twenty-seven: I Want to be Loved Just as Much

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(Might be a little angsty, but dont worry, u won't cry :)...unless ur weak as h#ll)

Edit: u actually might cry. I won't blame u.

"Hi, baby!" Wilbur and Techno walked in through the door. The tallest gave Dream a kiss on the nose and had the smaller following him before Techno even got a kiss!

But it was fine. Techno knew Dream was just excited to see Wilbur.

"I bought cookies for you, Dream. Here." Wilbur gave the boy his favorite cookies.

"Thank you!" He gave his boyfriend a big hug. Techno felt left out, of course. He wanted a hug, too!

But the cookies came from both Wilbur and Techno. So there wasn't anything to give him.

It didn't really matter, of course. He could just get a free hug! So he walked over, Dream paying no attention, and hugged him from behind.

But he was pushed away.

"Don't scare me like that!" Dream got scared...

"I didn't mean to---"

"You always mess with me." Dream got down from the chair.

"I---" Techno sighed before looking over at Wilbur who went over and gave him a hug.

"Don't be sad, okay?" Techno nodded, feeling warm in Wilbur's embrace.

"Dream. Come on. Bed." Techno said, waiting for the boy to crawl in between him and Wilbur.

He can't go to sleep without his baby. He wanted his baby to cuddle with.

Though...Dream didn't like being cuddled up next to Techno. Techno would often hug him too tight, snore too loud, give him no space, make him sweat because Techno literally felt like the sun---!

(Awwe but he's just a warm, cuddly boy 🥺)

"C-Can I sleep infront of Wilbur?"

It was always big to little spoon. Techno, Dream, Wilbur. But, it should be, Wilbur, Techno, Dream. The two just liked having their baby in the middle.

"You don't wanna sleep by me?" Techno asked Dream, trying to hide his sadness.

"I just wanna be on the outside this time..." Dream didn't want to hurt Techno's's just...he was slowly losing intrest in him.

He didn't like Techno as much as he use to.

"Alright...goodnight, baby. I love you." Techno turned the other way and slept away from the two.

What's the point in even cuddling Wilbur? It's not like he cares about Techno! He's all over Dream...

And, so, Techno's eyes filled with tears. He kept his noises low and quiet. His body shook as he cried into the blanket. His lovers were cuddling each other, sharing warmth and affection while he was on the other side of the bed, crying.

He just wanted to be loved. He wanted to be just like Wilbur. What does he have that he doesn't?

Techno was just...depressed now. And did anyone notice? No. Not even his own boyfriends. They were too caught up in each other.

All the things the three did together, were now only happening between Wilbur and Dream. Such as showers, movie nights, naps, cuddling, kisses, hugs, and other things such as....'you know what'.

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