Twenty-two: A Different Breed, Pt.2

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Thank you Little_DevilDarling MisteriousMarionette Noir652 for volunteering to be in this oneshot!

"I can't believe we made it..." Techno let out as he leaned himself against the inside of the truck.

"I didn't think there was a way out.."

"There's always a way out. I refuse to lose."

Dream sat on the other side of the truck, trying to keep himself warm. The cold, winter air was seeping through the thin sheets of metal as the truck drove.

The latter was softly chewing on his thumb. Where were they gonna go? Are they gonna be okay?

"When are we jumping off?" Dream asked softly, keeping his eyes on the boxes in the truck.

"When we stop by a nice place."

"....what if the stop is to kidnap someone?"

"Every man for himself." Techno spared a glance at the blondie across for himself.

The man didn't know what was up the boy across from him. He looked...depressed. They had just escaped from a rape cage that takes your babies and he's not happy?

"What's wrong with you?"

Dream didn't respond right away, of course. He was just lost in space. He was indeed...depressed.

"What's gonna happen? Where are we going to stay? We don't have anything....." Dream exhaled. "What if we catch the virus? The baby could die." Dream said quietly.

Techno sighed. He knew there was some cons of this idea. Of course there were going to be! In good, there's going to be bad. It's good they left, but there's bad things. They're poor and will be left in the open world of the uterus eating virus.

As for bad, there will be good. They were in a lab. It was bad, but the good....they were safe from the virus and cold air. Along with starvation.

"We'll be okay." Techno assured. "And so will the baby. I won't let anythin' happen, okay?" Dream looked over to him and nodded.

They both stopped what they were talking about when they felt the truck come to a stop.

"That's our stop. Let's go. Up, up." Techno pulled Dream up and lifted the back up. Behind the truck, which was infront of them, was a red car.

The lady who was driving, stared at the two boys in white shirts and grey shorts.

Techno and Dream didn't pay no attention to the lady, they stared off.

"Come on, before he starts drivin' again." He dropped down and lifted Dream to the ground.

And they ran off.

When Dream was put into the lab, it was spring. Flowers, water, and a warm sun. Now, winter had taken over, covering the ground with slush and white flakes.

His socks were soaked, his legs were pale and red, along with his arms and face. Nose and cheeks a soft scarlet.

"Wh-Where are we g-going?" Dream shivered.

"I don't know..." Puffs of air came from Techno.

"I'm so cold." Dream held onto Techno's hand, trying to feel the warmth. Though, there was none. Techno was equally as cold.

The latter turned around and held out his arms.

"C'mere." Dream went over and was lifted up into cold, but loving arms. "I'll carry you; sleep."

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