Fourty: Hostage

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"Let me out!" Techno screamed through the metal bars. He banged on them, trying to get the men's attention.

"Shut up!" One of them yelled.

"Let me out!" Techno pulled on the bars only to get ignored.

"Is he here?" Dream asked Tommy.

"Yeah, downstairs."


"They uhm...they got me a friend."


"I hope you don't mind." The taller said.

"Of course I don't. Why would I?"

"I don't know."

Dream and Tommy continued down the stairs to see two men.

"He's in there." Nick pointed at the door.

Dream didn't know the one behind the door. He just asked them to find him a boyfriend because he's so lonely.

He opened the door to the dark room and heard chains rattle. Walking forward, there was more rattling.

Dream sat infront of the bars and looked into the shadows.

"You can come out you know." Nothing. "I'm not going to hurt you."

There was a very faint rattle along with a tiny whimper. Dream didn't ask for a little weakling.

The boy looked back at the men. The kept their eyes away from Dream's intense stare.

He looked back with softer eyes.

"I won't let them hurt you. You're a lot safer with me. Don't be scared." There was a little whimper when Dream stood up from the floor.

The boy took the keys and unlocked the cage. Dream steadily walked forward into the dark to see a bit of pink.

Once he knelt down, he could finally see the scared, but pretty face of a pink-haired male sitting in the corner while curled up in a ball.

"Hi, I'm Dream." He said in a soft voice.

He got nothing in response. It was fine, the man was scared.

"Your hair is pretty. I like the pink and how long it is."

There wasn't much coming from the male. Dream wish he could hear something from him other than the cries.

"Want to get out of this cage? Maybe somewhere comfier?" A desperate nod came from the other. "Alright, but you have to promise not to run off, 'kay? Then we'd have to keep you here."

Another nod came from the male. Dream took his hand carefully before pulling him up, seeing the other was at least five inches taller than him.

"Come on." Dream led him out of the basement, up the stairs, down the hallway, to the right, up more stairs, down the left hall, and into a spacious living room with a fireplace.

It had pretty, warm lights, soft blankets, big couches, and a pretty window that you can sit on to watch the snow fall.

"We can stay in here, yeah?" The other nodded his head, looking around the room.

Dream could tell he was shy; scared. He wanted a dominant psycho who could kill a person with their fist!


He was cute, though.

"Here, sit down." They both sat on the couch across from each other. "What's your name?"

"Techno," the male said in a quiet tone.

"Oooooh! I love your voice." Dream complemented to which Techno blushed.

They sat there for quite some time before Dream had spoken up.

"You know why you're here?" Techno shook his head, caressing the bruises on his wrists from the chains. "I set people off to find me a significant other. They read your file and chose to take you away.

"What do you mean by significant other?"

"You're my boyfriend now."

There'll be a part 2. I'm too tired.

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