Twenty-nine: Attention

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⚠️Plz note I took this chapter from MY other account. This was a taegguk oneshot, im now using on here.⚠️

Oh yeah, a bit angsty


Me and my Dream are sitting on the couch in the livingroom. My mom and dad will be back tomorrow.

And today, I have a plan. An awful plan, really. I'm just curious on how Dream would react. And no matter how hard it will be, I will not give in. Dream is a little, by the way. So this will most likely break my heart.

Dream was sitting on my lap, sucking on his binky with a diaper on.

"Da-Da!" He points to the TV, "shark!" We were watching the scene where the shark was about the eat Ariel and Flounder.

I smile fondly and rest my chin on his shoulder.

'No talking to him,' I thought.

I then heard his tummy growl. 'Oh no...'

Dream then turns his head around to look at me.

"Da-Da? I'm hungry..." he says softly. I look up at him and smile, getting up with him in my arms as I walk over to the kitchen.

I set him down and fix up some left overs from McDonalds.

After eating and watching the movie, I started the realize Dream didn't really have a reaction. So like the evil person I am, I took it a bit further.

Dream moved around on my lap until his head was on my chest. I just sat there on my phone.

"Da-Da?" I just kept scrolling through TikTok. "Mmm~" he whined as he poked my cheek.

"Daddy~" he whined. He then whimpered. "Da-Da!" He grabbed my cheek and tried to move my face to look at him, but he was pretty weak.

He then slipped off my lap and left somewhere. He came back and turned my phone off. Which annoyed me but I just acted as if I didn't care and turned it back on.

He whined and stomped his foot. He stood there for a little while and tapped my shoulder. Then again once I didn't react. He pointed towards his diaper, I ignored him.

He could always just go into big space and change himself. He jumped a bit in his spot and whined.

"Da-Da!" He screeched, then flung a pillow at my face. I was getting annoyed, but I held myself back.

I then heard a sob. And in all honesty, it hurt. He then walked upstairs. I stayed put and went through Pinterest next.

I heard little sobs along with thumps coming from the stairs. He came over and kneeled infront of me. He held up a colored paper with two stick figures. Two names above them, 'da da' and 'Dream'.

"For you," he sniffed and whimpered, keeping the picture up. "Da-Da?" Without my answer he began to sob again.

I could tell it was going to be pretty hard for him to get back into big space. He ran back upstairs, his diaper sagging a bit.

I felt so bad. And I don't even know how much longer I could keep this up. I'm neglecting him. If I don't change him soon, he'll get rashes and I REALLY don't want that to happen.

A Dream in pain is a sad Dream. And a sad Dream means a sad Techno.

Dream then came back downstairs with SO much stuff. He has blankets, lotion, a diaper, and wipes.

He drops all the stuff on the floor and brings me the diaper and wipes, holding them up to me.

I ignored him like before. He let out a tiny sob, but held the rest in. He then brought the lotion.

"T-Tumm-my wubs-s...?" He asked. Tummy rubs are like...his favorite thing.

Without an answer he got the blanket and brought it over.

"C-Cuddl-les? At least??" He whimpers. After a few seconds of silence, he completely broke down. He fell to the ground, loud sobs coming from him.

This went on for about thirty minutes. Well, the calming down in total.

He whimpered and looked back up at me. He then get up and walked to the stairs.

"Da-Da doesn't love me anymore.." he mumbles. My eyes widen. Guess I was that bad. I threw my phone and ran towards Dream.

"Baby, no~!" I wrapped my arms around him. I then turned him around. Dream started to cry again.

He weakly wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my chest.

"I'm so sorry...I just wanted to know what you were going to do. I love you soooooooooooooo much! Okay? I'm so sorry." I looked back down at him and hugged him tighter. "Let's get you changed." I patted his bum and he ran to the living room.

After changing him, I thanked him for the picture, gave him lots of tummy rubs. Then we cuddled.

"Da-Da?" He asked as we watched My Little Pony.

"Hmm?" I ran my hand through his hair.

"Pwease don't ever do dat hurts my feewings..."

" won't. I promise," I kissed his head and pulled him closer. "I love you."

People from my last account got soooo mad at Jeongguk.

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