Thirdy-one: Let me Take You in a Castle and Give a Crown to Mark You as Mine

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Another day in the SMP was chaotic.

Dream though, he just looked around for materials so he could build a house. How dare Techno call him homeless!

He stared up at Techno's castle from afar. Chelsea, (me) (i have maladaptive daydreaming. Let me be) like the simp she is, spent months on it.

Dream was pretty mad. He was the owner of the land and a castle was built for him!?

"Hi, Dream." He turned around after a flinch to see the annoying teenager smiling.

" you want?" He asked Chelsea.

"I just wanted to say hi. B#tch---"

"Okay, you did. Bye."

"What are doing?"

"Getting stuff."

"For what?"

"Please leave me alone."

"Uhm...Techno wanted to see you."

"For what?"

"I don't know. He just wants you."

"You're his...right hand man type thing---how do you not know?"

"He don't tell me sh#t. Get your #ss up. He wants to see you in the next twenty minutes."

Dream sighed. Chelsea became a huge simp over Techno a long time ago. She did anything he wanted her to do. She...hated the nether SO MUCH but goes there anyway just to grab stuff for the man.

No doubt she'd die for him. Chelsea, the other day, almost got killed by a Piglin because she's a dumb#ss who doesn't wear gold in the nether.

Idiot, right?

Out of all the people, Techno chose her to be the helper. She was doing all his tasks....for free?

Dream couldn't even get her to find a flower for dye. But, y'know, she'd totally die in the nether for Techno because it made so much sense, right?

Yeah, totally.

"I'm kinda busy." Dream told her.

"Does it look like I give a sh#t? Get up." Dream groaned.

"Can you carry me?"

"Me? Carry you? A weak #ss b#tch...carry you? Get your fat #ss up."

Dream and Chelsea entered the castle to see Techno on the diamond throne the little girl had built. Teenage girl, if you will.

"What do you want?"

"I need to talk to you. In private."


"Private. Mind coming upstairs?"

"Uhm..." Dream had never been in the castle. Nor has Techno really wanted to see him or talk to private. "Sure, I guess."

"Chelsea." The girl looked up.


"Could you please go check on the farm?"

"But there's bees---"

"I got rid of them." And she left. "She's so odd...follow me."

Dream followed the half pig up the staircase and into a library. Another staircase led up to a random, empty room, then another staircase went up to another room, then another staircase led up to a bedroom.

"Take a seat on the bed." Techno said while he took off his gloves and put them on his dresser.

The boy hesitatantly sat down on the soft bed, scared of what was happening. Was the king going to hurt him? He was Dream, of course. Equal to the half pig in fighting, but Techno always ended up hurting Dream more than Dream did to him.

"Why am I here?" The boy let out, barely abover a whisper.

"I wanted to talk." Techno continued to mess with things on the dresser.

"About what?"

"About...." the sentence was never finished.

"You're scaring me..." his soft voice let out.

The pig never answered. Instead, he put all of his things away and walked over to the blondie.

Dream scooted back as the man towered over him.

"I'm lonely." What?


"Chelsea...she's nice and all. But...she's She's annoying as h#ll. Will you stay with me? I'll give you a room, and food...and...all that...."

Techno looked so innocent.


"It's fine if you don't want to."

"No. I will. I could grab my stuff...and stay here...I guess." Techno plastered a small smile on his face.

"Yay..." Dream let out a laugh.

This chapter sucked but like....*sigh*

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