Thirdy-six: Nail polish

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"Daddy, daddy!" The little girl ran up to her dad who was sitting next to his husband.

The man looked down at the little girl.


"Can I give you a makeover?!" She asked with a big smile. Techno cringed but got a tap on his shoulder.

He looked over at Dream who gave him a mad expression.

"Yes, you can give daddy a makeover."

"Yay!" The little girl yelled before going to get her mini makeup kit.

"Awe, she's gonna make you all pretty!" Dream smiled up at the man.

"Yeah." Techno gave a smile back. "If I come out looking like a demo---"

"Oh, shut up."

"Okay, here we go." Olive set her pink, see through kit down with nail polish. They both had stickers of Elsa and Anna because she loves Frozen. "Okay. Do you want to start off with your makeup or your nails?"

" choose." Techno said.

"Okay. I'm gonna do your nails first be-because it's just easier." She said in a mature voice even though she's like four.

"Alright." Techno gave her his hand. "Make me look pretty, okay? Otherwise you don't get a tip."

"I'll make you look SOOOO pretty even dad will be jealous."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. What color do you want? I got pink, purple, blue, sparkly pink, uhm...shiny purple---"

"Can I have a pink? To match my hair?"

"Of course!" She threw her hands up. "But we're almost out so I'm also gonna use the sparkly one."

"Fine with me."

The little girl grabbed the nail polish and started to spread it all over Techno's nails. Though, most of it just got on the tips of his fingers.

"Wow, you're making me look so pretty! All the guys at work are gonna be so jealous." Techno played along.

"Yeah! Because they don't have pink nails."

Dream bit his bottom lip with a wide smile as he stared at Techno. He's a great dad.

"Okay, I finished the nails. Now we have to let them dry while I do your makeup."

"Alright." Techno showed Dream his nails that the child worked so hard on.

"You did such a good job, Olive!" Dream complemented.

"I know."

"A thank you would've been nice." Dream frowned.

"Thank you!" She smiled.

Olive grabbed onto the pallet with the plastic foam brush thing.

(I dont do makeup^)

She stabbed it into the purple and drowned it in the power.

"Okay, close your eyes." Techno did as told as he leaned forward. Olive gently rubbed the purple eyeshadow onto her dad's eyelids.

After the pink and purple was applied to his eyes, she took some blush and spread a ton on Techno's cheeks.

After that, Olive grabbed her pink, sparkly lip gloss and put like three layers on her dad's lips.

"All done!" She giggled. "Wanna see?"

Techno nodded before the little girl grabbed her mirror and showed him.

He looked like that babysitter from cat in the hat.

"I look...absolutely beautiful. You did such a good job." She giggled with a big smile. "Here's your tip." He pulled out a five dollar bill and gave it to the little girl.

She gasped.

"I'm rich!"

"Like the nails." Nick said to Techno as he typed on his computer.

They were currently at work in an office.

"Thanks. My daughter did them."

"When do you think I could get a pedicure?"

"Aren't pedicures only for toes?"

"I don't know." Nick said, going back to work before Darryl comes up.

"Nice nails." He smirked.


"Were they jealous?"

"So jealous!"

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