Fourty-five: Male Maid

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Requested by FlyingRatShit (I'm sorry its short.)


Tomorrow was Christmas and the four were just cooking, decorating, or wrapping gifts.

Techno was cooking. He looked h#lla cute in his apron while Wil was wrapping gifts. This only leaves Dream and George to decorate.

"Ahh?" Dream opened his mouth while standing next to Techno. The latter sighed before plopping a spoonful of mashed potatoes in his mouth. "Mmm~!" And he ran off to find George again.

Wil got done with about twenty gifts so far. He was a good wrapper and it always came out looking great.

"Dream, I'm gonna lift you again, okay?" George said before picking the blondie up so he could reach the top of the doorway.

He set him down before smashing his lips on the boy's right under the tiny plant Dream had just hung up.

Techno set the food into the oven and took a break, walking over to Wilbur.

"Hey, Wil." Techno kissed his cheek. "You did a good job."

"Thank you!" He smiled at the other. "I got something for Dream to wear tomorrow." Wilbur smirked at Techno. This brought his attention over to the brunette.

"What is it?"

"You'll see. We'll all enjoy it." Wilbur kept that sly grin on his face.

"Did you get him a sexy bunny outfit?" Techno asked with a confused look.

Wilbur started laughing. "No, I didn't. This one will be cuter but know."

"Okay." He shrugged. Techno made it seem like he didn't care about Dream dressing up in something Wil had gotten him, which was technically true. But he still sorta wanted to see it.

"I also got him a stripper pole." Techno's eyes went wide before slowly turning his head towards Wilbur. "I'm joking." He laughed.

"My Lord, I was gonna say....our baby ain't dancin' on that." Wilbur continued to laugh.

"I was joking! I wouldn't let him either. Boy's too innocent for that." Wilbur went back to wrapping gifts.

"Good, good..." Techno nodded before starting to play with Wil's hair. "You're so pretty." Wilbur blushed.

"You too." He smiled at the other. Techno chuckled.

"Here, Dream. Open this one." Wil passed a floppy gift over the boy.

Wilbur looked over at the other two and smirked. Techno knew that look. He knew exactly what was going on.

This was the last gift to open. It was perfect! Wilbur had set this all up so they had best for last.

"Uh---" Dream widened his eyes.

"I got the shortest one, too." Wil grinned.

The boy picked it up and the maid outfit hung from his hands.

"Put it on." George demanded.

"You forgot something in there, by the way." Wilbur pointed at the wrapping paper.

Techno picked it up for Dream.

"No." Dream widened his eyes. There lay a pair of black panties.

"You have to. It's either those or nothing. I don't mind seeing all #ss." Dream face palmed himself. "Get dressed." Wilbur finished before sitting on the couch with the other two.

Dream finished. And there he was in the shortest maid outfit.

"Turn." George smirked at Dream who turned around.

"I'm just gonna..." Techno slid down from the couch to get a better view, the others joined in.

"That's a nice view." George grinned.

Techno nodded before grabbing Dream's waist and pulling him down onto his lap. He nuzzled into the blondie's shoulder while hugging him from behind.

"Other than everything else, you did look really cute." Techno told Dream; the other two nodded, scooting closer.

"Very adorable." Wilbur said, kissing all of his boyfriends.

"I'd love to see you in that again tonight, Dream." George told him.

"Didn't buy it for nothing." Wilbur grinned at the strawberry.

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