Fourteen: The King Likes Men, Pt. 2

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Techno was just sitting at the end of the table, crown slipping off his head as he ate his mashed potatoes.

Meanwhile, Dream was a few seats away, shoving his face with what he thought was the best food on the planet.

"Enjoying yourself over there?" Techno asked.

"Very!" Dream said, happily, his cheeks turned a bit red.

Techno did the tiniest smile. You wouldn't be able to see he was smiling, of course. That's how small it was.

Techno wasn't exactly in love with the boy. He didn't even love him. Barely had a crush on him. Even though he just met Dream, he's starting to take a small liking to him.

Techno thought he was cute or whatever. Little blondie with freckles! Techno practically gets hot just looking at him.

The king had a thing for freckles. Freckles were cute to him! And the way Dream's freckles were mostly dusted on his cheeks and nose made him feel weird. But, a good kind of weird.

Techno placed his utensils down on his plate in a way to let the others know he was full and didn't want anymore.

So, instead, he just stared at Dream. He loved watching the boy eat as if he had just been starved. It made the king feel as if he were already doing a good job in taking care of his little piggy.

"Were you hungry?"

Dream looked over at him, mashed potatoes in his mouth. He nodded before swallowing.

"Mom hadn't fed me in days because in trouble."

"Your mother hadn't fed you?" Techno asked the boy with raised eyebrows, face showing a bit of sympathy.

"No. I over-watered the garden by accident. It ruined all the food, so she decided to not feed me."

"She decided not to feed you because you didn't have any food?"

"We did. And if we ever ran out, there's a market down the road."

"So she starved you for a week even though you still had food?" Dream nodded.

"Wilbur! Come here, please!" Wilbur stepped up to the king as Dream went back to his dinner.

Dream heard whispering between the two.


"Yes, your majesty."

Techno turned back to Dream.

"Eat up. Once you're done, go with Becky---" the plump, cute lady smiled while waving. "She will give you a bath, then bring you to me for the night. I'll be waiting." The king stood up and left the dining room.

Dream was then left alone at the humungous table, people all around the room, standing. He looked around, mouth full.

Looking down at his plate, he copied Techno in the placing of his utensils, then took one last sip of his drink.

He turned around in his seat to see Becky. She gave a little wave and walked over.

"Hello, sweetheart. Are you ready for your bath now?" She asked in the softest voice. Dream nodded. "Oooh," the old-ish woman smiled. "Well, alright. Come on. Up, up! Follow me, dear~!"

And so Dream got up from his seat and followed the lady up to a very fancy bathroom.

"Woah! You guys have those things!?" He pointed at the faucets. He always had to fill buckets up from outside.

"Yes, we do." She gave him that eye smile, her face not showing a single wrinkle.

"So cool," he whispered.

"So...cold, warm, or hot?"

"Uh..just warm.." he always wondered what warm baths were like. He always took them cold. There was no way to take a warm bath unless you boil the water.

"Alright." She turned the faucet on. "Now, when this fills up, you tell me if it's too hot or cold. I don't want a sick boy." She shook her head. "Oh no. Especially the king's new spouse!"

Dream just stood back and watched.

"Now, you take off those clothes of yours. I'll go find you a nice pair of pajamas. Hop in if you'd like. Add some bubbles---as much as you'd like! The blue bottle, dear. Do not drown! Wilbur is right outside, I'll be back."

Once she left, Dream stripped down and carefully stepped into the tub of warm water.

"I'd like to hear from the King himself!" The lady yelled at the two boys.

"This message is from the king, dumb#ss!" Nick yelled.

"Yeah, b#tch!" Tommy crossed his arms, his horse nodding.

"I said, I want to hear---"

"Look, lady. We're not here to take you to the king, nor are we bringing him here. Our task was to come to your ugly #ss hut and tell you you weren't staying in the castle!" Nick yelled.

"If I don't get to stay there, then my son doesn't either!" She fumed.

"B#tch, he's twenty-one years old." The eldest of the two soldiers rolled his eyes. "He's free to go where he wants. He's not under your control anymore. And soon, neither are your kids! You've been charged because of abuse! You neglected your son! Therefore, you don't get to keep your daughters either! They get to live in the castle, while you get to stay in the dungeons!"

The lady screamed.

"Anger issues..." Tommy said before the two burst out into giggles.

The soldiers were immature, but great for the kingdom. They do their job properly and take care of the king. Plus, the immaturity made them h#lla funny.

The youngest daughter, Drista was in the back, listening to all of the arguing. She, of course, had a face of worry. Was her mother really going to be locked up while she and her sisters are staying in the castle with the king?

Her mother has done some crazy stuff, but of course she still loved her.

"Here you are. Look at you!" Wilbur smiled at Dream. "You look nice. Shall I take you to the king? I can tell he's getting impatient."

(I can just hear his voice^🧡)

"Oh, yeah, sure." Dream said, linking arms with Wilbur who took him to the king's room.

"Now, before you go in, I want to warn you that the king is very tired." He whispered. "Just walk in quietly and get in bed with him---"

"Get in bed with him?" Dream whispered.

"'s alright. He won't bite you. He just likes to cuddle," he chuckled. "His pillow speaks from experience." Dream giggled. "Listen, if you ever need something, there is a string above the bedside table. Pull that, and the bell will go off downstairs." The boy nodded. "One more thing, don't mind the pixies that tap on your window. They just like to say goodnight." Wilbur poked the boy's nose. "Off to bed, now. Goodnight." And with that, he left.

Dream stood outside the room for a good few seconds, taking in deep breathes. He then stepped inside after opening the door.

Inside the room, was complete darkness. With hesitation, he quietly shut the door and tried making his way over to the bed.

"You knock something over, I'm going to kill you..." He heard Techno say in the raspiest voice.

Dream gulped before finally making his way to the bed. He crawled in slowly and stayed over the covers, scared he might do something Techno wouldn't like.

"Get under the blankets. You'll get cold." So, Dream did what he was told, staying away from the king. "You look great in my pajamas by the way." Dream's eyes went wide.

"These are yours?"

"Yeah. Who else did they come from? The goblin next door? Go to sleep." Techno's head flopped back onto the pillow. Even through the darkness, Dream could see his bed head. All of the pink locks sticking up in different directions.

"Goodnight." Dream whispered.

Doin' a part three!!!

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