Minx×George......extra chapter.

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"George!" Minx screamed. She was currently streaming and all her fans found out she had a boyfriend....finally.

"Yeah!?" His muffled voice picked up on the mic.

"Come here! I have some people who wanna see you!"


"My f#ckin'....chat!" She was spinning around in her chair while she waited for her boyfriend.

"One minute!" She cleared off her desk while she waited for George.

"Hurry up!"

"I'm coming!'

"Lord, you're so slow..."

"I heard that." His head peeked inside the room.

"Well that's f#ckin' why I'm f#ckin'  taller than you, you little f#ckin'---....come here." George came into the room fully and stood next to Minx. "Sit down. Why are you acting brand new?"

George shyly sat down on her lap, giving her a glance before turning away.

"See guys!? This is my baby! His name is George!" Minx gave a tap on his nose. "Lord, you're do boney! Eat some f#ckin' chocolate you f#ckin' twig!"

'Minx, no need for body shaming'

The dono read out loud.

"Oh shut the f#ck up! George, I love how tiny you are, but you just---you hurt my legs! And I've got lots of meat on them." George let out a laugh before taking a bite of Minx's pizza she gave him.

"Thanks for the food, I guess."

"Ugh...I think that was my last piece..." Minx looked at her plate. "D#mmit George! Gimme a bite!"

"Here." He held it up for her.

"Thank you. See guys! George---he is just too pure for this world! Too pure for me!"

"Well, not that pure. I know a few things."

A dono played dramatic music; they both laughed.

"Welp, guys! It was a nice time! I enjoyed streaming with all of you! But I have to go. I just want to cuddle George SO BAD! I want squish him!" George raised his eyebrows, giving her one of those clown faces.

"You're going to squish me?"


"Okay..." the chat was mentally praying for George. They knew Minx was gonna break him one day.

"Alright, byyye!" She shut down her pc before kissing George. "Wanna go cuddle now?"

"No." George let out a giggle, taking another bite of pizza.

"George---I swear---I have the power to strip you from your rights. I can keep you locked up and cuddle you whenever, you weak son of a---" she held herself back.

"Carry on."

"Fine...I'll just cuddle by myself."

"How do you cuddle by yourself?" George asked while being dropped on the floor.

"Leave me alone." George continued to laugh.

Minx flopped on her bed and covered up with her grey blanket. George stood from the floor and walked over.

"Room for two?" He asked. Minx turned, gave him a look, then turned back around. "I'll take that as a 'yes' then."

George crawled into the bed and hugged Minx.

"Hug me back." The boy complained. She reached over and wrapped her arms around the warm boy. "I love you, Minx." He smiled at her depressed face.

"I love you, too, George. Maybe a bit too much. But I love you." Her boyfriend gave her a big smile before nuzzling into her, above her chest.

(I think it'd be weird with how a woman is built, okay?)

"You're being all lovable today. What's up?" Minx asked him.

"Nothing. Now spoon me."

Yo...i wanna come out with a minx ti.es george oneshots book but like...so much worrrrrrrk!

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