Twenty-six: Two Daddies???

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Requested by Andreaisola673

Dream×Wilbur×Techno lez gooo

"You better get over now!" Wilbur and Dave were chasing Dream around the house. They needed to get him to bed soon and they had no idea how because he ate too much sugar!

Well, how did that happen, you may ask. He climbed the fridge and got into the candy!

"Dream!" Dave yelled. "Get back---! Wilbur!" He snapped and pointed on the other side.

"Gotcha!" He heard Wilbur and a whine from Dream. Dave went over and smiled.

"You thought, you little nugget." Dave poked Dream's nose.

"I'm not a nugget!" Dream turned around, pouting. Wilbur kept him in his arms.

"Awe, well, you're my nugget."

"Mine, too!" Wilbur said.

"No fighting!" Dream yelled. He hated when his daddies faught.

"We're not fighting, baby." Wilbur comforted him.

"We aren't?" Wilbur kicked him.

"Ow." He said sarcastically.

"You hit daddy!" Dream yelled at Wilbur.

"No, no. I did not hit daddy. Don't you worry, baby. Let's get you ready for bed." Wilbur said, connecting their foreheads.

"Bath time?" Dream asked, excitedly.

"Yup, bath time." Dave said, taking the boy into his own arms.

"Baby, no-no splashing---ah---" He held his finger up. "No splashing." And did Dream quite? For like two seconds, yeah. He slashed again.

"No. Splashing." Dave said sternly.. Did Dream listen this time? Yeah....yeah, Dave was intimidating towards the boy.

"Dream don't want spankings!" He backed away from Dave with a scared face.

"Splash again and see what happens." Dave said.

"Come on. Two more minutes and we have to get you to bed." Wilbur said, resting himself on the ledge of the tub.

They both watched Dream play with his Minecraft toys in the tub quietly. Dave reached towards Wilbur and snuck his arm around him.

" 'm tired..." Wilbur whispered.

"Wanna go to bed while I get him dressed?" Dave asked him, caressing Wilbur's side with his thumb.

"Yes, please." Wilbur sat up. "Here, give me kiss, Dream." Dream looked over and kissed him goodnight. "Goodnight, baby."


Dave leaned over and gave him a kiss on the lips. "Goodnight." He said.

"Goodnight." And with that, Wilbur got up and left for their room.

Dave turned back around and rubbed Dream's back. "Ready for bed?" Dream shook his head. Dave chuckled. "You have to go to bed soon. After I get you dressed, we're gonna hop in bed with Wilbur."

"Okay. Can-can I wear my onesie tonight? My doggie one?"

"The Minecraft doggie?" He asked Dream who nodded. "Of course you can." He smiled.

"Yay!" Dream yelled quietly. He didn't want to upset Dave or Wilbur.

"'Kay, let's get you outta here." Dave unclogged the drain and grabbed the towel.

"Feet first. Come on." Dream stepped into the onesie while holding onto Dave's head. "Okay. Now arms." He slipped his arms inside the sleeves. "Good boy. Now lemme zip it up. All done!" He smiled up at his little boy and picked him up.

Dream was feeling a bit sleepy, he wasn't gonna lie. He felt comfy, warm, and taken care of by the ones he loved the most.

He was carried to their room. The aroma was calm. The fan was plugged in and blowing to make white noise while the room was pitch black.

Dave quietly shut the door and put Dream in bed for him to crawl up the Wilbur's back; he snuggled into him.

Dave sighed and got in his boxers. Crawling into bed, he went over to Dream and lifted his legs against his behind.

You'd think Dream would be the smallest spoon, but in reality, he was just squished in the middle of the two.

He didn't exactly mind. As long as it's his daddies' bodies squeezing the life outta him, then he didn't really care. Though, every night he'd sweat like crazy from the heat of the two.

He'd be in warm pajamas, under thick blankets, and continue to be kept in the arms of the two while they cuddled the life out of him.

Did he really mind though? Eh. He kinda liked it. It may be uncomfortable but comfy at the same time. The damp pajamas and sheets would just let him know how close he was to his daddies. And all this would make him content.

Very content.

Bro....I see...I see now...what I write would awe me, but in the readers perspective, it doesnt do the same. So, if I just flip flopped it, then we be good :D

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