Five: Pink hair, pt. 2

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"So..." Dream started, shuffling in bed trying to get a bit closer to Techno. They lay infront of each other in the dark. "I get to stay here? And they won't find us?"

"Yeah." He said in his sleepy voice. It was a bit raspy but cute overall. It was relaxing to Dream.

(I cant just....feel the peaceful aroma that doesn't even exist)

"And I get with you? Forever?" Dream asked, a little hopeful.

"Of course. You can stay as long as you'd like." Techno smiled at the boy, starting to fall asleep from the warmth under the feather-filled blanket. (The ones that are so thick and make that one sound. Mmm! I love those.) The warmth mostly came from the boy.

"Why did you take me away from the place? You have no job now. I was fine over there." Dream asked, going closer to Techno, knees now touching.

It had no effect on Techno, of course. He loved the boy, yes. But he's just a different breed~

(F#cking help me)

"You...were not fine...they were gonna hurt you..." Techno said, holding Dream's hand.

"They already did," Dream said, his pink highlights brushing over his eyes. "What do---"

"They were gonna kill you, Dream. I couldn't stop them from doing so. That's why I brought you here, baby."

Dream was feeling different emotions. He just found out that he was gonna be killed. But Techno also called him 'baby'. So what was he feeling?


"Yeah?" Techno reopened his eyes. "Oh---yeah. If you don't want me to call you that, then just let me know, 'kay?" He closed his eyes once more. "Now go to sleep. '' 'M tired."

Dream blushed before scooting to Techno and wrapping his body around him.

"Hmmm..." Techno made a little sleepy noise before snuggling into Dream's locks, bringing his knees up.

They both felt happy and content, warmth spreading rapidly to through their bodies. Of course, it made them sweat a bit, but wasn't that an affect of being close together? Sharing warmth under a think blanket.

"Goodnight, Dream."

"Goodnight. Thank you."

(It was short. I'm sorry. Let me know if you guys have any ideas that ARENT smut. I'm only 15 lmaooo)

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