Thirdy-five: I Take Damage, Pt.2

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This was requested by DerpyMariel
I still have another request to do. The ghost Dream and Wilbur. Ik ik. I just dont have any ideas for it.

Dream flew out of the ground. He looked around him and saw nobody. He was dead.

He knew he was dead, of course. He knew his body wouldn't have been able to stand the starvation and dehydration. He knew he wasn't going to live as long.

He walked around the graveyard.

Dream knew he should've just left the room to take care of himself, but there was no chance he was going to disobey Techno that way.

Even if it were to keep himself alive, disobeying Techno could also lead to him being killed.


His husband would've found out one day.

Stepping into the snowy biom, he felt the coldness touch Air? Who knows, maybe a soul? But that didn't matter. He wanted to see what was going on. How much time had passed since he died?

He went up the stairs and right in front of him, a couple hundred feet, was his and Techno's home.

He shivered as puffs of air came from his frozen lips.

Be was, indeed, very beautiful. Freezing, but beautiful. His hair was a light blond with snowflakes as his lips and cheeks formed frost. His skin went pale as he covered himself for warmth, hoping the home was just as warm as it was weeks ago.

Dream was about to knock on the door before realizing how stupid he was. He opened the door, letting in snow.

It looked empty. It was dull and cold just as it was outside. The lights were turned off and everything looked like it hasn't been touched for a while.

He walked into the kitchen, hearing creaks from the floorboards.

The cabinets were half opened, the furnace hadn't been used in days, and the bread had gone stale.

He turned around and left the room, going to the potions room next.

He entered through the door. There were broken bottles and weird substances spilled on the floor. This place was being covered with snow from the open window. Why was it open?

Dream went over an shut it, making sure to twist the lock.

The boy left the room and over to the fireplace. He started a fire and took a few seconds to get warmed up.

After the place was a bit more cleaned up, he took some more time to explore.

Dream went over to his and Techno's room to see someone on the bed. Leaning over, he saw his husband cuddling with...pillows?

All different sizes and shapes of pillows were messily stitched together to form the shape of a person.

It literally broke his heart to see Techno's tear-stained face. His husband shivered in his sleep, holding tighter onto the pillows.

Dream took the blanket and pulled them over his body. He never knew Techno would go through a hard time.

The boy expected him not to care once he died, of course. It seemed like the goal Techno was going for; to kill him.

Guess that wasn't it, huh?

It might've been what was happening, but it wasn't his goal. And even if it was, Dream was sure he didn't want him to die.

He crawled over and took the place of the pillows, feeling the warmth of his husband.

Techno opened his eyes, sniffing the air. Dream backed away from the pink-haired male, watching his movements.

Dream watched as he got up and walked into the living room. He followed silently, watching as his husband stared at the fire.

The latter dropped to his knees in front of the burning wood, knowing it was a sign of Dream.

Techno started crying again, taking in the warmth from the fire.

"I miss you so much." He started sobbing, leaning over to his left to lay of the wooden floor.

"Oh, I miss you, too." Dream whispered, going over to the shaking male. He put his hand on the other's arm, caressing gently.

"I want you to come back."

"I am back."

The man soaked the flooring with his salty tears, opening his eyes once more to look at the fire.

"If you were here...I'd promise to never hurt you again." Dream heard him whisper. "I'd promise to take care of you. I'd promise to cuddle you. I'd promise to give you baths and food and water. I'd promise to take you on fun dates like I had taken you to years ago....I'd promise you so much." He sobbed.

Dream's heart shattered. He felt so sorry for the man in front of him. Techno had done some messed up sh#t to him, but there's always that something called forgiveness.

Dream would forgive him in a heartbeat.

The boy went over and hugged his husband. His best friend.

"I love you so much, Dream."

"I love you, too."

Yee yee!

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