Twenty-eight: Baby Piggy 🐽

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⚠️this story was not stolen from LoveAtomar. She is me and me is she. This idea was mine. Just on my bangtan account. I didn't steal it from myself.⚠️

Mention of blood. Literally just a nosebleed tho.


"Hello! Would you like to try out---?"

"No, thank you." Dream waved.

"Would you like a sample of---"

"No, thanks."

"Have you tried---"

"No, I'm good."

Dream was trying to get away from all these sellers. He was trying to find a gift for his mom.

"Good afternoon." A lady greeted. Dream was going to deny. "Are you lonely?" What? "You need some time to up your game on responsibility?"

"I'm sorry. What?"

"We sell Noxus! A Noxu is a tiny living figure that you take care of so it can grow and become your companion!"


"Would you like to come inside and see what we have to offer?"

"I'm trying to find a gift for my mom---"

"Wonderful! We might have what you're looking for!" So Dream followed the lady inside.

"Woah...". There were shelves on shelves full of tiny jars. They were filled with tiny creatures.

"These are what we have to offer. You can tell us what type of Noxu you'd like to purchase."

"Uhm...I don't know if I even want one."

"Well, to know more about them, they're tiny creatures that you take home and care for. You feed it, bathe it, etcetera. They grow as you care for it. They will become more loyal and lovable. Some people grow them for a boyfriend or girlfriend, friend, sister or brother. You know. You intrested?"


"His name is Wilbur. And that one is Fundy. That there is George, Niki, Bad, Skeppy---so many of them to choose from."

"And I could pick anyone in here?"

"Well, it depends on what kind you want. Do you want a friendly one, lovable one, scary one---"

"Can I get...I don't lovable like..."

"It's if you want a girlfriend, boyfriend..."

"Well, I'm gay..."

"We have gay and bi lovers! Would you like to see them?"

"Sure." She led Dream over to the other noxus. "Here they are." She smiled. "We don't have many. But I'm sure you could find one fit for you."

Dream looked at all the tiny creatures.

"Awe. This one's cute!" He pointed at a little piggy.

 This one's cute!" He pointed at a little piggy

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