Fourty-two: Hostage, Pt.2

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"I'm---huh?" Techno had his eyes wide open and scared.

"Mhm, you heard me. They just have to run a few tests on you to make sure you're healthy to be with me." Dream messed with his socks.

"What kind of tests?" Techno...was shaking. He didn't want to be tested to be someone's significant other!

"Just one to make sure you aren't sick. And if you are, or you're simply just not my type, then...they kill you." After the three last words came out of Dream, Techno starting shaking even more.

A small whimper came from him as he scooted away as far as possible from Dream.

"Hey, it's okay. You look healthy,'re very cute." He smiled at the frightened other. "I won't let them kill you. Even if you're not healthy. I'll have them help you and stuff!" Dream grinned.

"You won't kill me?" Techno whispered. Dream shook his head with a soft smile, crawling over to straddle him on his stomach.

Techno went all red at the warmth that spread throughout his body.

Dream just stared at the pretty face before him. The latter put his hands on the other's chest, leaning down to give him a peck on the nose.

Butterflies went crazy in Techno's stomach. He felt warmth and fuzziness from the boy. Though, he barely even knows him! Maybe it was the fact he was good looking and had cake. Who knows.

"You like that, don't you?" Dream smirked at the strawberry in front of him who squirmed in his spot.

Dream let out a little chuckle at Techno's cuteness.

A knock at the dark oak door ruined the moment though. The two looked over before Dream slid off of Techno's lower stomach, heading over to the entrance.

The boy on the couch heard some mumbling before the two turned to look at him. He went pale as the random person came over.

"Go with him. He's gonna run a few tests on you." Dream smiled.

Techno stood up and left with the stranger into a weird room in the basement.

He was told to sit on the seat while the other sorted through his things.

Let's just say.....the tests weren't fun.

"Oh! You got done quick!" Dream smiled at the other who looked quite uncomfortable. "Come on, follow me to take a quick bath or shower---whatever you please while we wait for the results, yeah?" Techno nodded his head.

They went up into a spacious bathroom and locked the door.

"Shower or bath?" Dream asked the other.

Techno looked at the shower and noticed how it had see through doors, so he chose bath.


"Bath? Okay, I'm gonna get it ready for you while you undress yourself. And uhm... you're probably uncomfy being naked in front of me, so I'll keep my eyes shut, alright? While I wait by the door."

Dream started the bath and added lots of bubbles into the warm water. After all that, he walked towards the door and sat down facing it.

"Just tell me when you get in, okay?" Dream waited patiently for Techno to get in the bath while playing with his fingers.

"You can look now." Techno mumbled as he picked some bubbles up into his hand.

The other boy walked over before kneeling down to rest his arms on the side of the tub. He watched as Techno blew the foamy bubbles into the air, his knees being noticeable above the water. It was cute.

"Let me know when you want to be washed." Dream smiled softly at the other. Techno nodded before shaping the bubbles into random things.

They stayed there for a few more minutes, enjoying each other's company.

"May I start getting your hair wet?" Dream asked the other who froze, but nodded after.

The boy took a cup and filled it with warm water.

"Tilt your head back." Dream told the him who obliged while shutting his eyes. "There we go." Dream said while taking care of Techno. "Is it alright if I wash it now?" The latter nodded, keeping his arms around his knees.

Dream grabbed the shampoo and squeezed some onto his hand before starting to spread it through Techno's long hair.

He took the cup and rinsed it out, then went to the conditioner. Techno was starting to fall asleep on the boy. He didn't want to, but he was tired. Plus, he liked how warm he felt, he wanted to just shut his eyes and fall into Dream Land.

"Techno, I'm---Techno?" Dream looked at his face to realize he's sleeping. "Oh..." how was he going to wash the other's body? He can't do it himself! Techno would get uncomfortable with him.

So he just washed his chest, back, and legs. Along with his arms.

He rinsed out Techno's hair for the last time, making sure he doesn't fall over in his sleep.

Dream reached down and started to drain the water before grabbing a towel for his boyfriend. Well....his sorta boyfriend.

Techno sat in the empty tub, head and arms resting on his knees while he slept.

The boy wrapped the towel around him, hoping he'd be able to pick him up after he was done drying him off.

Though, drying Techno off just made him wake up. The latter furrowed his eyebrows while looking around.

"I was just gonna get you dried off and dressed before bed. Can you please help me so we can sleep?" Techno nodded his head.

Doing a part three bc I gotta do hw and I wouldnt be able to do that knowing this isnt published.

Edit: Not doing a part three bc I dont like these chapters...

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