End Chapter.

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I decided to make one last chapter for this book. It will be completed as soon as I upload this. I will, of course, continue to write stories and oneshots, just in different books. There still might be a chance of me writing another oneshot for this book, but itll be very unlikely.

"Hello, guys!" Dream waved at the screen. "Thank you guys so much for reading this book, it means a lot to me and the author! Having you here was a splendid experience! You guys are...very much a second family to me. Especially the author herself." He smiled.

"Yeah, what he said." Techno said with a small smile, Dream turning to screen over to him.

"Chelsea (the author) was very and still is very happy with all the lovely comments you guys leave and how much support she has gotten. She really appreciates it and loves you guys. A lot." He laughed.

"Wait! I wanna say hi!" George ran in with Tommy, the two staring into the screen. "Hello!" George waved.

"Hello, women!" Tommy turned red, smiling. Wilbur then came I'm with Niki and Minx.

"Thank you guys!" They all said.

Love u guys <3

Leave questions for the characters?

Which oneshot? And what character?

Ex: oneshot, The King Likes Men.
Question for Techno, "(your question)"

Write this in the comments so I understand which oneshot AND character k?

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