Thirdy-four: Sleepover at Nick's

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"Just stay over. You don't even have to sleep here. At least stay and have some fun." Nick said over the phone, trying to convince Techno into staying over.

"How many people?"

"I don't know. There's George, Wilbur, me, this girl, Minx, uhhhh...Dream, and....Darryl."

"That's a lot of people."

"When you think about it, not really." Nick said.

"Alright. I'll be there even though I don't know---should I bring snacks?"

"If it's not potatoes then sure." Techno rolled his eyes.

"I may love potatoes, but I don't make them the center of my life."

"........uh---yeah, okay. So you're gonna be here?"

"Only if you don't try and introduce me to everyone. I'll make a conversation on my own."

"Okay. Talk to you later, bye."


Call ended

Techno sighed.

Techno walked up the snowy doorstep, letting out puffs of air from his red nose as he waited.

"Hey! You're here!" Nick peeked out the door.


"Well, come on in." He opened the door all the way before Techno stepped inside the comfy home.

"I expected like...a loud party or something."

"Nah. My mom would kill me. Plus, I think a snugly sleepover is just what we need!"

"I'm not cudd---"

"I even got us all onesies!" He held up Techno's oversized onesie. "You like it? It's a piggy!"

"Mmm---yeah." He lied.

"Yay! The others got some, too!" He pulled some from out the bag. "Like this elephant is for George, the cat is for Dream, the whale is for Wilbur, I got a doggie for Darryl, and...Minx is a demon because she f#cking is one."


"I know right!" And the door bell rang. "Oh! I got it. Hi!"

"Hello!" A boy with brown hair came in. He looked about Nick's height.

"Come're. I got you a onesie!"

"A onesie?"

"For cuddle time!"

"Oh," George said. "Can I change?"

"Sure!" George left to the bathroom.

"Truth or dare?" Minx suggested.

"Yes!" Techno heard from the blondie.

"I'll go first!" Minx raised her hand. "Nick, truth or dare?"


"I dare in front of EVERY ONE."

"That's so easy." He said before getting up. He just...popped off.

"George, truth or dare?"


"You're so lame. Uhm....if you had to kiss anyone here, who would you kiss?"

"Uh...probably...Dream? Maybe you. I don't know." George shyly hid himself behind his knees.


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